The Official PROC Restaurant review thread.

Stars don't stop customers voting with their feet though. This guy could be killing his goose that laid the golden egg with his carry on.
Probably serve him right.

Don't see it Lee.

Ate there once. Special restaurant, great food, exceptional service and lovely wine.
Well worthy of its Michelin star.

Would happily return.

Most restaurants in Ireland operate the fee for late cancellation system now to deter no shows. You agree to these terms when you book.

They're trying to damage his business because they didn't read the t&c and didnt get an exception. Fuck em.
Don't see it Lee.

Ate there once. Special restaurant, great food, exceptional service and lovely wine.
Well worthy of its Michelin star.

Would happily return.

Most restaurants in Ireland operate the fee for late cancellation system now to deter no shows. You agree to these terms when you book.

They're trying to damage his business because they didn't read the t&c and didnt get an exception. Fuck em.
One thing is late cancellation where I agree that a fee is justified Hank. However, this guy's 72hrs limit is excessive in the extreme. Just because the place is excellent doesn't give him the right to screw customers.
24hrs would be reasonable. People can have genuine reasons for cancellations.
Do you know if this guy refunds the cancellation fee if other people subsequently reserve the cancelled slot? I bet he does in his arse!
Going to Goldie's this evening, they rang to confirm my booking last night.
Seems like a grand way to do it as opposed to 72 hours.
Shit happens and 24 hrs you can stop extra staff coming in and contact a waiting list.
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