Thanks for that. The whole thing smelled to High Heaven IMHO.I don't believe that the search warrant in that case was deliberately allowed to go out of date. You might disagree with that (I am sure that many would) but it doesn't make sense to me. If the guards didn't want to proceed with the prosecution there are easier ways that the absolute public humiliation of an out of date search warrant.
The state proceeded to prosecute the case on the basis that the search warrant was valid.
The warrant was issued at 3.20 pm on May 20, 2002, and the prosecution claimed it was still valid when it was executed at 2.20 pm on May 27. Which it probably was, but because the time was not stated on the face of the warrant it was deemed to be inadmissible as in the absence of a time on the warrant is it deemed to have lapsed at midnight on the 26th.
It isn't as if the guards let a warrant go a week (or even a day) out of date, which if they were trying to deliberately fuck up a case would have been the safe way to go. It's not a defence of Curtain, but I don't think that it was as it is often painted.
Soundy's notion that a search warrant should or could be issued on the basis of sentencing decisions is ludicrous though.
I bow to your knowledge in all matters legal, madam.