The official NATIONAL court report thread

Intersesting fella alright. He gets his butter from a family business up in Fermanagh, they make it by hand and supply the Fat Duck restaurant

What's the fanciest restaurant you've ever eaten in StuffY?
I've never eaten in a Michelin star one. I've worked in posher than I've eaten. I dunno did Fine Dining menu in The Brehon. I usually eat in pubs or hotel pubs.
Yeah to be fair I hadn't actually read the article in full before I posted it, I rolled my eyes a few paragraphs in and decided that posting it on the PROC ASAP was more important than reading to the end.

It does sound alright like she was untrained for what she was being expected to do.
I would maintain the absence of duty of care was to the other soldiers by giving her access to a rifle
Yeah to be fair I hadn't actually read the article in full before I posted it, I rolled my eyes a few paragraphs in and decided that posting it on the PROC ASAP was more important than reading to the end.

It does sound alright like she was untrained for what she was being expected to do.
Whatever it’s just ridiculous your doing a nocturnal exercise and fall over a bivvy. Yes shit happens it’s part and parcel of being a soldier.

When you join the army you do so out of national pride or the other side you do it for the thrill seeking aspect. It’s not Roches Stores and you slipped on a slippery surface.Give me a break.

What’s next suing for back pain after a night hike after carrying a back pack.
A delightful lady.

The poor man killed himself a week later, and she's looking at community service.

What, My God a Woman attacked a Man.

Fuck me

That has to be wrong, I mean the liberal assholes were claiming 2 weeks ago that it is only Men that attack Women.

You know the ones that went to all those vigils for someone they did not know and then branded all men as rapists and murderers.
What, My God a Woman attacked a Man.

Fuck me

That has to be wrong, I mean the liberal assholes were claiming 2 weeks ago that it is only Men that attack Women.

You know the ones that went to all those vigils for someone they did not know and then branded all men as rapists and murderers.

Show me one person who said that it is only men that attack women.

The vast majority of attacks on women are by men, that's just a fact.

A fact that apparently you feel victimized by...
A delightful lady.

The poor man killed himself a week later, and she's looking at community service.

She isn't being sentenced for his death though. She is being sentenced for assault causing harm.
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26th Sep 2024 @ 7:00 pm
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