the official betting thread.

bookies are some shower of dickheads in fairness. was looking at the odds for tiger to do the grand slam. 12/1 is the best i could find. anyone taking that price should shot for crimes against betting with a little knowledge.
Reading look a great bet to me at 11/10 at home to Bolton tomorrow.

Don't be fooled by Reading's recent "poor form". They've lost 5 on the bounce in the league but they were all against superior teams - Chelsea, United, Villa, Portsmouth (pre-African nations) and Spurs. Reading's 6 home victories this season have come mainly against teams with very poor away records similar to Bolton's plus Bolton have been really struggling for goals lately without Anelka.

Edit: West Ham are also an excellent price at around 8/5 or 13/8 away to Wigan.

I'd be amazed if at least one of the above bets doesn't come in.
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Italy win over Ireland would be a handy one, even with a handicap bet of +7 maybe, I'll take a look there.

A wee bit off there Razor, +16 with PP.

I' going...

Ireland -16

Wales + 13

Scotland + 4

in the rugby handicaps for the weekend. Just a tenner...
Reading look a great bet to me at 11/10 at home to Bolton tomorrow.

Don't be fooled by Reading's recent "poor form". They've lost 5 on the bounce in the league but they were all against superior teams - Chelsea, United, Villa, Portsmouth (pre-African nations) and Spurs. Reading's 6 home victories this season have come mainly against teams with very poor away records similar to Bolton's plus Bolton have been really struggling for goals lately without Anelka.

Edit: West Ham are also an excellent price at around 8/5 or 13/8 away to Wigan.

I'd be amazed if at least one of the above bets doesn't come in.
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