The County Board Complaints Thread

Does Frank Need To Go

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Let's see if more info comes out, and we'll see if it actually happened, if it was a screw-up or if there is some reasonable explanation, or if some combination of those. Without more info, there's not much to go on, and I wouldn't let mud stick just because it is thrown - there's enough things known as facts to be discussed.

Here is the Info....

That Mulcahy is one of the biggest spoofers seen online.
Said a while back that hurlers learn nothing from using a ball wall, got into argument online with a lot of well known hurling people on the topic.
Told them they were all wrong including Brian Whelahan from Offaly who was a hurler of the year and multiple all star!! I'd say Whelahan knows a bit to be fair

For sure he is.....I just posted that link also to see the reaction :😈

Its more Philip Kerrs comments that I am more interested in peoples thoughts on.....I am of the opinion that the answer to the problem with our County teams lies with the Clubs. I fully believe that they are the problem. You can have all the Development Squads and Academies etc, but when players go back playing with their clubs, all that works seems to be coached right back out of them.
Thanks for this. It’s very clear.
This report outlines that Corks coaching was already funded for 2023 up to the end of the summer under the old funding arrangement.
So, money couldn’t be drawn down from both the old and new funds to cover the same coaching twice.
The reports says that all the undrawn funds ~€500k is going to be spent on other coaching items in 2024 & 2025! Brilliant really
For sure he is.....I just posted that link also to see the reaction :😈

Its more Philip Kerrs comments that I am more interested in peoples thoughts on.....I am of the opinion that the answer to the problem with our County teams lies with the Clubs. I fully believe that they are the problem. You can have all the Development Squads and Academies etc, but when players go back playing with their clubs, all that works seems to be coached right back out of them.
Very true. The standard of coaching at underage club is lower than what it used to be. The length of season and heavy work load involved turns many away
Pat Spillane said they left €500000 on the table. The report from the board meeting says they will be drawing down the €500000 over the next 2 years. So he was right. Whatever the reasoning for not drawing it down, is inconsequential. If they don't have the business plans in place for not drawing it down is the fault of the county board. I don't think it was a case of them finding out about the money at the last minute.
Pat Spillane said they left €500000 on the table. The report from the board meeting says they will be drawing down the €500000 over the next 2 years. So he was right. Whatever the reasoning for not drawing it down, is inconsequential. If they don't have the business plans in place for not drawing it down is the fault of the county board. I don't think it was a case of them finding out about the money at the last minute.
If you think Spillane is right, then you are suggesting Cork GAA should have commuted fraud. Anyone saying the bitter lemon is correct must also not know how GAA grants are administered and drawn down.
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