The Catholic church's War On Irish Women

As we have seen with the symphysiotomy scandals and the horrific long term injuries and negative medical consequences for Irish women, the deeply disturbing physical abuse that took place in Catholic church run mother and baby homes/Magdalene homes, the relentless targeting of vulnerable orphans by child sex abuse predators such as the sadistic Father Brendan Smyth and other Catholic church based paedophile priests, Ireland has been both abusive and hostile to Irish women and girls with crisis pregnancies.

The 8th Amendment is yet another form of abuse forced on Irish women and girls. Let us not forget that this amendment was championed by the Catholic church and their collaborators in those darks days of 1983.

The real motivation behind the Catholic church's support for the 8th Amendment lay in their deep fear of female sexuality and femininity. They feared this as they saw it as a direct threat to their power, which has always stemmed from a divide and conquer approach to society.

The Catholic church has always been sexually dysfunctional, anti-women and has spent large sums of money attempting to cover up the actions of child sex abuse predators, which it has sheltered in Ireland and abroad over the years.

Many of the anti-choice/pro-life organisations in Ireland are nothing more than anti-democratic Catholic church glove puppet organisations. They are actively engaged in a well-funded disinformation campaign that aims to both deny and restrict the legal rights of Irish citizens.

In 2018, Ireland is the only country in Europe to have a constitutional amendment that gives equal rights to a foetus and a living woman. Of course, this directly undermines the rights to life and health of pregnant Irish women. That is why no other European country has such an amendment or clause in their constitution.

While anti-choice activists, who are calling for a No vote in the upcoming referendum use tactics based on fear and hate to concoct absolutist fantasies, spread disinformation, attempt to re-write Irish history to suit their deeply sexist agenda or offer up bizarre hypothetical situations that have no basis in fact or reality, the threat that the 8th Amendment poses to Irish women and girls remains real. The 8th Amendment is a relic from a corrupt, ignorant and dysfunctional era in Irish history.

It is the obligation of all right-thinking Irish men and women to vote Yes on May 25 to repeal this deeply flawed, deeply sexist and deeply dysfunctional 8th Amendment to our constitution. This earth is flat approach to medical care in Ireland has to end! Repeal the 8th!

I must admit,this is without doubt the funniest and most ridiculous thing i have ever read on here.I worry at times on this site when i read comments but this one beats all.
To be honest, the whole "No voters are just excusers of the domination of Ireland by 'mother church' " type stuff has gone off the charts lately. Even seeing tweets from people on my time line claiming all the No campaigning is being run from religious fundimentalists living outside of Ireland.

As we have seen with the symphysiotomy scandals and the horrific long term injuries and negative medical consequences for Irish women, the deeply disturbing physical abuse that took place in Catholic church run mother and baby homes/Magdalene homes, the relentless targeting of vulnerable orphans by child sex abuse predators such as the sadistic Father Brendan Smyth and other Catholic church based paedophile priests, Ireland has been both abusive and hostile to Irish women and girls with crisis pregnancies.

The 8th Amendment is yet another form of abuse forced on Irish women and girls. Let us not forget that this amendment was championed by the Catholic church and their collaborators in those darks days of 1983.

The real motivation behind the Catholic church's support for the 8th Amendment lay in their deep fear of female sexuality and femininity. They feared this as they saw it as a direct threat to their power, which has always stemmed from a divide and conquer approach to society.

The Catholic church has always been sexually dysfunctional, anti-women and has spent large sums of money attempting to cover up the actions of child sex abuse predators, which it has sheltered in Ireland and abroad over the years.

Many of the anti-choice/pro-life organisations in Ireland are nothing more than anti-democratic Catholic church glove puppet organisations. They are actively engaged in a well-funded disinformation campaign that aims to both deny and restrict the legal rights of Irish citizens.

In 2018, Ireland is the only country in Europe to have a constitutional amendment that gives equal rights to a foetus and a living woman. Of course, this directly undermines the rights to life and health of pregnant Irish women. That is why no other European country has such an amendment or clause in their constitution.

While anti-choice activists, who are calling for a No vote in the upcoming referendum use tactics based on fear and hate to concoct absolutist fantasies, spread disinformation, attempt to re-write Irish history to suit their deeply sexist agenda or offer up bizarre hypothetical situations that have no basis in fact or reality, the threat that the 8th Amendment poses to Irish women and girls remains real. The 8th Amendment is a relic from a corrupt, ignorant and dysfunctional era in Irish history.

It is the obligation of all right-thinking Irish men and women to vote Yes on May 25 to repeal this deeply flawed, deeply sexist and deeply dysfunctional 8th Amendment to our constitution. This earth is flat approach to medical care in Ireland has to end! Repeal the 8th!

I agree with your sentiments and wishes, however, these right wing nutjob loons will never give up, as they've fuck all else to live for. It was always going to be their firewall, line in the sand issue, and they have certainly lived up to the billing with all the dirt and lies that they've become known for. That the vote will be so close, is an indictment of the public engagement in civics and politics in general. We've seen in the US where the tactics of "They're all against you" has had such a corrosive effect that fringe lunatic elements can make so much more headway, and results in the heap of shit they have in the White House. Not enough people here are aware of the dangers of not standing up to shite like that.
applehunter - Renua are using taxpayer's money to put up anti-choice No posters around the city. A ridiculous waste of public money considering that the last opinion poll showed that Renua have 1% support among the Irish public.
The Catholic Church provided schools, hospitals, orphanages, and services for the poor long before the State ever got involved in those matters.

Women were treated differently in all societies, in all countries, and by all the major religions until very recently.

Abortion was banned in most countries until very recently.

Ireland being a more rural and conservative society was just a little tardy in adopting new legislation, but only by a few decades.

But don't let facts get in the way of your paranoia.

BTW, I never approved of the 8th amendment, when initially introduced and voted Tá in the referendum. But I can understand why so many fear that abortion may just become a form of contraception.
The Catholic Church provided schools, hospitals, orphanages, and services for the poor long before the State ever got involved in those matters.

Women were treated differently in all societies, in all countries, and by all the major religions until very recently.

Abortion was banned in most countries until very recently.

Ireland being a more rural and conservative society was just a little tardy in adopting new legislation, but only by a few decades.

But don't let facts get in the way of your paranoia.

BTW, I never approved of the 8th amendment, when initially introduced and voted Tá in the referendum. But I can understand why so many fear that abortion may just become a form of contraception.

Good post Misha
I am a practicing Catholic And was a no voter and I am dissapointed in some aspect of the church since the election. Jesus teaching was forgiveness and non judgment and i have plenty of friends that were passionate Yes for the referendum and nothing has changed in our friendship after the vote. The people spoke and we have to respect Democracy. I didn't agree with it but that's a true democratic country that accept the result of any referendum. And we will accept the will of the people.
I agree with your sentiments and wishes, however, these right wing nutjob loons will never give up, as they've fuck all else to live for. It was always going to be their firewall, line in the sand issue, and they have certainly lived up to the billing with all the dirt and lies that they've become known for. That the vote will be so close, is an indictment of the public engagement in civics and politics in general. We've seen in the US where the tactics of "They're all against you" has had such a corrosive effect that fringe lunatic elements can make so much more headway, and results in the heap of shit they have in the White House. Not enough people here are aware of the dangers of not standing up to shite like that.

Shur left wing nut jobs don't exist at all. No one engaging in fancy dress the day before yesterday in Belfast was a nut job at all at all.

Good post Misha
I am a practicing Catholic And was a no voter and I am dissapointed in some aspect of the church since the election. Jesus teaching was forgiveness and non judgment and i have plenty of friends that were passionate Yes for the referendum and nothing has changed in our friendship after the vote. The people spoke and we have to respect Democracy. I didn't agree with it but that's a true democratic country that accept the result of any referendum. And we will accept the will of the people.

To play Devils advocate for a second..:p.the Catholic church is not a democracy nor has it ever been. It has it's Dogma, take or leave.
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