The Avant Cork -Experimental Arts Festival

The Avant -Cork’s Festival of Experimental and Progressive Arts

6th – 16th July 2012
Cork City

The Avant is a festival of experimental and pioneering art that takes place in Cork City in early July. Including a number of Cork-based organisations supportive of avant-garde practices, The Avant is a cooperation between groups who are interested in experiment and innovation. In previous years these have included The Basement Project Space, The National Sculpture Factory, The Glucksman Gallery, The Black Mariah, The Space Gallery, The Sirius Centre, The Cork Film Centre, Black Sun, The Couch, SoundEye Festival, The Camden Palace Hotel, Eye and Mind, Sonic Vigil and The Guesthouse.

The Avant is a simple idea: ask a number of Cork-based organisations, supportive of avant-garde practices, to schedule events which they would programme in any case, in a limited period in the summer. Pool their resources in terms of audience and publicity, but in all other matters let them run their events independently. Voilá, with no extra funding, and little extra effort, a festival of experimental and pioneering art in Cork city, worthy of national, if not international attention.
We are always keen to contact new groups who might be interested in working with us, and are open to proposals. We’re gearing up for a creative and vibrant festival this year which will be packed full of exciting visual art, performance, music, film, sound art and poetry.

Which Jean Rollin movies are being screened? Fascination? Les Raisins de la Mort? Lips Of Blood?

Will there be protests by the Catholic church outside?

Will patrons be accused of being perverts?

Will slaps be thrown?

More importantly, will there be popcorn?
Niamh Murphy & Declan Sinnott
The Richmond Revival, College Road, Fermoy, Co. Cork, P61 T292

23rd Nov 2024 @ 7:00 pm
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The Pav, Today @ 12am

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