The Action Plan for Housing.

Shows how fcuked the housing market is. For the government to do nothing with the time the 6 month eviction ban allowed was a disgrace. The only major thing they did was make a big song and dance about Leo becoming Taoiseach. Always fcuking delivers according to that fcukwit Emer Higgins. Utter scumbag. Has destroyed the country.
If FF and SF went into government together would that stop the shouting
Not sure. O Ríordáin was wound up to the last. At 1 stage Harris said "you're no longer a múinteoir, so don't point your finger at me." It was farcical yesterday. Like a bad comedy roast. All making cheap jibes hoping to be on the news. Labour last Saturday mentioned keeping the eviction ban until homelessness drops for 3 quarters in a row. Not a bad idea yet not 1 of their politicians mentioned it yesterday. Was just all screaming. Government just waffled on about everything but housing.
I was doing a thing in work today and looked up the number of properties available to buy in Cork.


Looked up the number available to rent then.
Less than 30. Then said I'd widen the net and look at the national picture.

1,100 properties to rent in the whole country.

Absolutely mental shite. The sales market is important but like every country will have a cohort of the population who either want or need to rent, and we need to start dealing with our rental market urgently.
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I was doing a thing in work today and looked up the number of properties available to buy in Cork.


Looked up the number available to rent then.
Less than 30. Then said I'd widen the net and look at the national picture.

1,100 properties to rent in the whole country.

Absolutely mental shite. The sales market is important but like every country will have a cohort of the population who either want or need to rent, and we need to start dealing with our rental market urgently.
Its ok MOE, FF/FG and greens are doing a great job of it. There a great bunch. Leo has the answers.
I was doing a thing in work today and looked up the number of properties available to buy in Cork.


Looked up the number available to rent then.
Less than 30. Then said I'd widen the net and look at the national picture.

1,100 properties to rent in the whole country.

Absolutely mental shite. The sales market is important but like every country will have a cohort of the population who either want or need to rent, and we need to start dealing with our rental market urgently.
Yet pre Xmas Fatty O Brien said the housing situation wasn't a disaster or an emergency.🤦‍♂️
How anyone in FF/FG can stand over anything they've done on housing is beyond me.
sarah mc asked O broin on drivetime on a few occasions what would Sf do to keep small landlords in the market, would they offer tax incentives, He eventually answered and said no, He said no landlords are leaving over tax,
He said the tenant in situ scheme is a waste of time, A few mins later he said Sf have been calling for a tenant in situ scheme for a few years,
sarah mc asked O broin on drivetime on a few occasions what would Sf do to keep small landlords in the market, would they offer tax incentives, He eventually answered and said no, He said no landlords are leaving over tax,
He said the tenant in situ scheme is a waste of time, A few mins later he said Sf have been calling for a tenant in situ scheme for a few years,
Landlords are afraid of SF/IRA getting into Government, that is a fact.
Gilbert O'Sullivan
Cork Opera House, Emmet Place, Cork

10th Sep 2024 @ 8:00 pm
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