The Action Plan for Housing.

They're panicking because Holly Cairns is getting such good press since she took over as leader of the SDs.

Labour are deluded if they thought Bacik was going to save them.
the article in the IT this weekend after off the record discussions with labour politicians and members will have Ivana Tragic pulling her scrunchy face again
Labour say they will submit a motion of no confidence in the government. There is no simple answer to the eviction ban situation,
There will be repercussions either way, sadly theose who are in danger of losing their homes are now pawns in a political game,
Would you have confidence in a government in power for 11 years and left us with a deficit of 250,000 houses?
They have enough independent support to defeat the motion.

Shes a disgrace. The whole reason the Greens went into coalition was to provide stable government and have a platform to enact their policies.

Ryan wasnt half ruthless enough with her last time she tried this shit. They can start by stripping her of her Dail committe on budget oversight chair. That's 10k off the pay packet.

What a gobshite she is. A publicity stunt to try and save her seat.
A politician with principles.

No offence, but fuck your bullshit m8.

And fuck the greens too.
Lol, yeah her principles extend as far as saving her own neck.

She negotiated the Greens program for coalition now years later it isn't for her.

A prize bullshit artist.
A prize bullshit artist?
As opposed to Leo and his "abolish the USC " spiel.
Or Enda ending the scandal of people on trollies.
Or Mehole saying he wouldn't go into coalition with FG.
Or Leo comparing FF and the economy to Delaney and the FAI.
Or Fatty O Brien saying 3 month ago we hadn't a housing emergency.
Grow up ffs.
All politicians are lying scumbags.
A politician with principles.

No offence, but fuck your bullshit m8.

And fuck the greens too.
iF she is doing this on a matter of principle then fair play, but as somebody pointed out on Gavin reilly programme yesterday it is also
possible she is doing this in order to secure tranfers next time out from SF supporters, She is in most danger from SF adding a running mate to MLMD
Lol, yeah her principles extend as far as saving her own neck.

She negotiated the Greens program for coalition now years later it isn't for her.

A prize bullshit artist.
No m8, she has come up against a policy which she vehemently disagrees with and is doing the right thing according to her conscience. You might not agree with her but at least she has some.

You can deny it all you want, but there's a reason Fg and FF are in power together. It's because enough people have seen through their absolute bullshit and the number of people who vote fir them is declining and will continue to do so. Between them they created this crisis, and between them they continue to exacerbate it.

They haven't a fucking clue how to fix it. Or rather they do, but they don't want to admit that their blind faith in the market is wrong and always has been.

Funnily enough when city and county councils built houses, we didn't have this problem. But anyone suggesting this is clueless and a simpleton :rolleyes:
No m8, she has come up against a policy which she vehemently disagrees with and is doing the right thing according to her conscience. You might not agree with her but at least she has some.

You can deny it all you want, but there's a reason Fg and FF are in power together. It's because enough people have seen through their absolute bullshit and the number of people who vote fir them is declining and will continue to do so. Between them they created this crisis, and between them they continue to exacerbate it.

They haven't a fucking clue how to fix it. Or rather they do, but they don't want to admit that their blind faith in the market is wrong and always has been.

Funnily enough when city and county councils built houses, we didn't have this problem. But anyone suggesting this is clueless and a simpleton :rolleyes:

I admire your naivety.
iF she is doing this on a matter of principle then fair play, but as somebody pointed out on Gavin reilly programme yesterday it is also
possible she is doing this in order to secure tranfers next time out from SF supporters, She is in most danger from SF adding a running mate to MLMD
Funnily enough didn't Hank laugh at politicians considering the election last week? It's okay for Leo and Michael to do it, but not others?

Eh Hank?
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