The Action Plan for Housing.

Labour say they will submit a motion of no confidence in the government. There is no simple answer to the eviction ban situation,
There will be repercussions either way, sadly theose who are in danger of losing their homes are now pawns in a political game,
Labour say they will submit a motion of no confidence in the government. There is no simple answer to the eviction ban situation,
There will be repercussions either way, sadly theose who are in danger of losing their homes are now pawns in a political game,
That shower have some cheek and short memories.
Labour say they will submit a motion of no confidence in the government. There is no simple answer to the eviction ban situation,
There will be repercussions either way, sadly theose who are in danger of losing their homes are now pawns in a political game,

Its complete theatrical nonsense.

'Only we care about people being evicted'.

Cynical vote grabbing shite
Pierce Turner
Coughlan's, Douglas St.

17th Oct 2024 @ 7:30 pm
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