Stuff that grinds your gears

  • Influencers and morons who blindly follow them
  • Vogue Williams
  • Anna Geary - a cultchie version of Vogue Williams
  • RTE- Everything about it
  • Women on instagram who firstly whinge every post about "i need a holiday" or do 200 insta stories when its some pal's the barely know birthday
  • Blindboy Boatclub
  • Bressie and anyone using mental health card to stay relevant
  • Vogue Williams
  • The inflated entitlement of people who play/involved in the GAA
  • GYM heads, who need to post every day theyre at the gym - how they miss the gym - their food preperation - no one cares - and going to the gym is not a personality, your just a chronic insufferable bore
  • Relevant to last point Old dolls who now are buffer than Hulk Hogan...yikes its revolting
  • People who keep going on and on about hating Trump or Boris - im no borris fan but ive a pal who tries to swing every conversation how he hates them

Drivers throwing fag butts out the window.
Windows open about a mm.
People who want to share an individual cake.

And a lot of the post above from Lord of the Funk
People who ask the bus driver what the fare is when they're going to town on a Saturday night, even though they take the bus to work every day of the week
Gilbert O'Sullivan
Cork Opera House, Emmet Place, Cork

10th Sep 2024 @ 8:00 pm
More info..

Tony Roberts

The Welcome Inn, Tomorrow @ 8pm

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