Stephen Kenny Reign

I get that there was no money so we had to go bargain basement with Kenny and more then likely will have to do the same next time. However it was crystal clear at the end of the first campaign he was going fucking nowhere. Taking a risk on a cheap local candidate is fine but if after 1 campaign and the writing is on the wall and it was clearly on the wall for the non delusional then that was the time to try someone/anyone else.
Kenny did his best. Can go out with his head held high. A lot of the problem is not of his making but he patently wasn't up to it. Probably got one campaign more than he should have as he had an extremely sympathetic press among some of the more influentual elements, and for many people acknowledging it wasn't working out was tantamount to men admitting they were wrong on the INTERNET and that can't happen.

Some of the football at times was okay even up to the end, but over the years our best goal threats have still been set pieces and defensively we've continued to concede the same goals over and over again. You look at how countries with similar talent pools to us have racked up points in these qualifiers and there's no standing over our record. Albania, Macedonia, Luxembourg, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Kosovo, Georgia and Moldova all outperformed us some by miles.

I hope Stephen gets a decent job in football. I see a lot of people saying he was the cheap option but he was earning more than a lot of his peers, that said he's not in a position where he won't need to work again. Sure he could do a job for some club in England or Scotland.
Mark Lyndon
The Richmond Revival, College Road, Fermoy, Co. Cork, P61 T292

9th Nov 2024 @ 7:00 pm
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