Sinn Fein are not a Normal Political Party

Sinn Fein gave Pearse McAuley a rousing standing ovation on his release from prison at their Ard Fheis for murdering Garda McCabe.

Pierce McAuley then tried to stab his wife to death in front of the kids after tormenting the whole family with horrific domestic violence.

A Sinn Fein Cllr who was up to his neck in the drug trade visited him in prison 14 times.

S.F. of course collect murderers from prison:
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S.F. just love to worship and commemorate murdering psychopaths and their criminal heroes who also live amongst us.

No they didn't. There was a standing ovation for the final release of prisoners post the GFA. That cell in north munster were running renegade and what they did was not very popular but those involved had previously been on active service so it was a balancing act. Disown them and effectively disown all the actions they'd undertaken over the years for the RA or welcome them and recognise them as emblematic of the last prisoners released post the GFA and the end of the armed struggle.

They certainly were not given a standing ovation FOR killing McCabe as you claim. As well as being a tragedy for his family, friends, and colleagues it was a major kick in the balls to SF from a PR standpoint having these loose cannons running around down here and then killing McCabe something that even the Green Book forbade
McCauley was a psycho. There were a number from the north on both sides who went that way thanks to the conflict they grew up in. But he crossed the line big time. I don't think he's any loss tbh

14 years is a long time in politics FO and cracks that were present even then have very much diverged in the time since.

I know it suits the shills of other parties looking for votes to paint SF as being the same as they were 10, 20, even 30 years ago, but deep down they know that's not the case.

It's not the first time in Irish politics that one side has pointed at the previous actions of the other and decried them as bloodthirsty killers working to the instructions of gunmen despite it not being the case.. It's not the first time such lies get spread in the hope of political gain.

The Sinn Fein Ard Fheis giving a standing ovation to that cop killer MacCauley tells you all you need to know about the kind of lowlifes Sinn Fein attract.

That Dowdell was steered toward this scumbag to aid the Hutch gang and give weapons to nordie RA dissidents shows the clear links between Sinn Fein and criminality.

I suppose ul tell us it was just an unfortunate coincidence lol
I think all of the establishment parties, FF, SF, FG, will haemorrhage support. I think we’re in for a few years of political instability with independents and possible new small parties holding the balance of power. Unfortunately, this could lead to the remnants of the batshit crazy Green Party wielding power disproportionate to their support.
Mcdowell could hold balance of power if he persuades a few to join him
No they didn't. There was a standing ovation for the final release of prisoners post the GFA. That cell in north munster were running renegade and what they did was not very popular but those involved had previously been on active service so it was a balancing act. Disown them and effectively disown all the actions they'd undertaken over the years for the RA or welcome them and recognise them as emblematic of the last prisoners released post the GFA and the end of the armed struggle.

They certainly were not given a standing ovation FOR killing McCabe as you claim. As well as being a tragedy for his family, friends, and colleagues it was a major kick in the balls to SF from a PR standpoint having these loose cannons running around down here and then killing McCabe something that even the Green Book forbade
One theory is Mccabe was shot by Walsh as Walsh was there the day Hugh Hehir was shot during a foiled bank raid, Walsh was blinded
by his hatred, It is said he almost shot one of his own that morning in Adare,
No they didn't. There was a standing ovation for the final release of prisoners post the GFA. That cell in north munster were running renegade and what they did was not very popular but those involved had previously been on active service so it was a balancing act. Disown them and effectively disown all the actions they'd undertaken over the years for the RA or welcome them and recognise them as emblematic of the last prisoners released post the GFA and the end of the armed struggle.

They certainly were not given a standing ovation FOR killing McCabe as you claim. As well as being a tragedy for his family, friends, and colleagues it was a major kick in the balls to SF from a PR standpoint having these loose cannons running around down here and then killing McCabe something that even the Green Book forbade
This is all or course totally normal and acceptable in a civil democratic society?

They simply just celebrated murdering savages.

Nothing else.

As this is their modus operandi.

Tull McAdoo:On the anniversary of the murder of Fine Gael Senator Billy Fox, here is Sinn Feins candidate for Midlands/Northwest, Michelle Gildernew, pictured with some of the IRA men responsible for his murder.Sinn Fein publication An Phoblact, describing one of them as a "legend."

No they didn't. There was a standing ovation for the final release of prisoners post the GFA. That cell in north munster were running renegade and what they did was not very popular but those involved had previously been on active service so it was a balancing act. Disown them and effectively disown all the actions they'd undertaken over the years for the RA or welcome them and recognise them as emblematic of the last prisoners released post the GFA and the end of the armed struggle.

They certainly were not given a standing ovation FOR killing McCabe as you claim. As well as being a tragedy for his family, friends, and colleagues it was a major kick in the balls to SF from a PR standpoint having these loose cannons running around down here and then killing McCabe something that even the Green Book forbade
The killing wasn't sanctioned by the IRA. It was a personal job but the guys who were doing it happened to be in the IRA.I'll use a loose example.
It's like a bunch of builders working for a company and do a foxer it's nothing to do with their employers. The thing is they didn't need to murder anyone, they were just out for the money but the gunman had a personal vendetta against the detective. No one has said why.
The killing wasn't sanctioned by the IRA. It was a personal job but the guys who were doing it happened to be in the IRA.I'll use a loose example.
It's like a bunch of builders working for a company and do a foxer it's nothing to do with their employers. The thing is they didn't need to murder anyone, they were just out for the money but the gunman had a personal vendetta against the detective. No one has said why.
In that case SF should not have pressed for them to be released under GFA
Pierce Turner
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