Sinn Fein are not a Normal Political Party

I have posted this before.
A BP is in the gift of the SoS.
By any stretch of the imagination the direction of travel is clear.
It doesn't have to have anyone's approval - we don't have to want it - the Dublin government don't have to request it or want it.................this will be a function of demographics.

It is at least 5 years away - the current nationalist vote is 43%. In a BP the turnout is likely to be 98% +.
The issue is not whether it is going to happen - it is how, how well prepared will it have been and when.
In reality the case needs to be made to win 7% or in essence 35% of the unaligned vote. Assuming a 12-18 month campaign and it clearly mapped out - that is well doable.

Stormont up and running will happen only when the DUP get their 2 bill and CHH retrofits some kind of weighted majority or veto for SJD. I note the editorial of the Belfast Telegraph, Suzanne Breen, not usually one to favour the nationalist narrative - made it abundantly clear - you can't change the terms or rules when you are down to the wire - 50% +1 is enough to maintain the union - it is enough for reunification.

Lastly - this isn't a party political post on behalf of SF or anyone else - but as I often posted over the last while this is not about whether we want it or ask for it or whether or not SF get in to government in Dublin or not because this has vastly outgrown will happen through the GFA. Hating SF is fine. But the GFA is clear - best way to get it done is by planning and discussing and agreeing up front - but it is not a pre-requisite. The Local Elections seem to have caught most on the hop I would contend even SF. I don't think they expected the numbers to stack up as they did in their wildest dreams. In a GE it is predicted there would only be 5 unionist seats out of 18. John Major came out during the week and said publishing the criteria for a BP would make sense now - and Lord John Alderdice similarly implied that in effect we are the door to joint authority if Stormont is not back soon.

This will gain pace alot sooner than people think and, I would agree, will be comfortable with.
I agree with what you posted, my point is that if SF want stormont up and running why then throw a BP into the mix now?
surely this antagonises the DUP and will make them dig their heels in even further, Or was that the intention?
I agree with what you posted, my point is that if SF want stormont up and running why then throw a BP into the mix now?
surely this antagonises the DUP and will make them dig their heels in even further, Or was that the intention?
Of course it was their intention, thinking of this further.
If DUP enter Stormont, then that puts SF/IRA in " Government " up there, that then puts introduces a cold reality for all of their populist talk.
A reality that no doubt will be thrown at them down here week in and week out when they spout their usual crap.
I agree with what you posted, my point is that if SF want stormont up and running why then throw a BP into the mix now?
surely this antagonises the DUP and will make them dig their heels in even further, Or was that the intention?
Because a BP is SF policy but most of the "throwing it into the mix" isn't coming from them at all.

The numbers are driving it. Irelands Future are driving it. Civic movement is driving it. Yes SF want it so they don't lose either way.

If Stormont is up, the DUP have to work with an SF FM, which IS the problem, not trade, not the protocol or the framework. If Stormont is down, CHH strangles the block grant and the case for reunification is strengthened. They don't lose either way.

Except, DUP LCC will stay out unless CHH gives them their change to the NI Act 98.....which is what he and the DUP have been flagging for months and only got put on ice with the Biden visit and the 25th anniversary. If he gives them that SJD can claim his 23% secured the union in perpetuity. So DUP get no SF FM, direct rule and a veto. Democracy denied twice.
Because a BP is SF policy but most of the "throwing it into the mix" isn't coming from them at all.

The numbers are driving it. Irelands Future are driving it. Civic movement is driving it. Yes SF want it so they don't lose either way.

If Stormont is up, the DUP have to work with an SF FM, which IS the problem, not trade, not the protocol or the framework. If Stormont is down, CHH strangles the block grant and the case for reunification is strengthened. They don't lose either way.

Except, DUP LCC will stay out unless CHH gives them their change to the NI Act 98.....which is what he and the DUP have been flagging for months and only got put on ice with the Biden visit and the 25th anniversary. If he gives them that SJD can claim his 23% secured the union in perpetuity. So DUP get no SF FM, direct rule and a veto. Democracy denied twice.
Much better for SF if the assembly doesn't get back up and running again. Even better, have fresh elections and have SF returned again as the largest party/FM again. DUP would no doubt refuse to to into power again.

Keep playing on Unionists/Loyalists instrangience/refusal to uphold democracy when their numbers don't add up and SF's MO might just happen in the not-too-distant future.
Does she not know that it is up to the UK Government as to when a UI poll is decided ?

This is the game, tell the morons in The Republic anything and everything to get elected into Government, hopefully at the same time they have Stormont as well and then they think they are sorted.

Not realising of course that those that voted for them especially in The Republic was based on their bullshit and bluster not on their UI aspiration.

SF/IRA = Scum

Jebus wept, are you deliberately ignoring the facts or are you just so thick that even when they've been explained to you a number of times you still are unable to understand it.

The SOS will decide when the Border Poll itself will take place. Neither the SOS, nor even Jeffry Donaldson or Jim Allistair, will decide when PREPARATION for a Border Poll will take place.

I know you'd love a Brexit type vote where it can all be shoehorned into a relatively short time and all kinds of scaremongering and lies can be told about what could happen one way or the other on the vote. Reasonable people want ALL of the facts and figures laid out before them before they decide rather than having it announced one month and the vote take place the next.

FFGShills = Cu*ts
No problem teasing out what a UI would involve but to throw it into the mix while trying to get stormont back open is stupid. if they really wanted stormont open for business they would focus on that alone for now,

What is it you think that SF should do to get DUP back into Stormont? We've seen that SF reaching out, and respecting the british monarch thus increasing their appeal to the people across the north isn't sufficient for the DUP - in fact that SF are now the largest party in Stormont is to most people the main reason that the DUP don't want to go back, but tell us what insights you have on how to get the DUP back in jimmy
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