Shit job in Cork or good job in Limerick

Get the train to Limerick Junction and drive (leave car in car park).

It can be done but it is a nightmare.

Limerick is not worth that.
Like the burglars do :D

My Mrs. had to do that commute for a few months and arriving at Limerick Junction early in a winters morning to find the car covered in snow / ice was not fun and I had to pick her up every evenin g and drop her off after the dawn at the station here in Cork.

Better than driving the shite road.
I've accepted the job as I think it is one that would look very well on my CV and as a stepping stone to maybe a better job in Cork in the future. There is the option of flexi time so it might be possibility to cram in the hours earlier in the week and finish early Friday. I do intend to come back to Cork most weekends.
I'm just second thoughts on it do 'cos it's in Limerick
I've accepted the job as I think it is one that would look very well on my CV and as a stepping stone to maybe a better job in Cork in the future. There is the option of flexi time so it might be possibility to cram in the hours earlier in the week and finish early Friday. I do intend to come back to Cork most weekends.
I'm just second thoughts on it do 'cos it's in Limerick

Fair play to you, people are mad afraid of change

Dont go up there thinking you're coming home every weekend - Ive never lived in Limerick but I bet theres plenty to do round there at the weekends. Lots of great sports clubs up there, nice natural stuff too like kilalloe for sailing etc, Ballyhouras for hiking/mountain biking and tonnes of stuff I have no idea about Im sure

Worst case scenario, you're not mad on the place and you come back to a better job in a few years - hardly a distaster
Dont go up there thinking you're coming home every weekend

^^ Far too many people do this in Dublin, and then give out about there being nothing to do.

Give Limerick a go, as mangey says, the worst that can happen is you don't like it and move home in a couple of years.

YOu might end up loving it.

Depending on what your interests are, it can be a great place to live.
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