Recycle / Re-Turn


Times change and move on.

What about all the guys that you always seem to know that rented out DVD's, sold Fax Machines or home telephones?

The people in Mizen just head into Schull or Skibb and re-cycle their cans and get their money back the next time that they do their shop like everyone else.

They are not stupid.

Sound_y turning into Danny Healy-Rae right before our eyes.

Ah, so when you're caught out in your false claim your answer is "Tough" - well that's alright then :rolleyes:

My pal was recycling long before it ever became popular or profitable. He got into it 40+ years ago. And that's the Green's answer to someone who's strived might and mane to recycle and have others recycle is it - Tough!
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Ah, so when you're caught out in your false claim your answer is "Tough" - well that's alright then :rolleyes:

My pal was recycling long before it ever became popular or profitable. He got into it 40+ years ago. And that's the Green's answer to someone who's strived might and mane to recycle and have others recycle is it - Tough!
If your pal's recycling business is effected by the loss of what is being Re-turn, then his business model wasn't great in the first place.
The biggest recycling business in Cork and Kerry is down about 5%/8% since the scheme started.
It is in its hoop.

Ireland had close to 100% private refuse collecto1rs handling this recycling.

Ossian Smyth and his fellow fu*kwits have repeatedly mentioned Germany as the example to follow with this initiative.

He omits to mention that Germany has 47% municipal waste collection.

It was an unnecessary scheme and emblematic of the seen to doing something kind of thinking the muppets in the Green party specialise in.

The Greens can always be relied on for an expensive (to the consumer) solution to a problem that didn't exist
If I'm going to the shops I'll bring a bag and get rid of the bottles, but once they start to clutter the place during the week I get frustrated and throw them in the recycling

I brought over a massive bag one day and got a measly €2 for my troubles, not worth being seen walking across town with a big bag of rubbish like a complete pleb

There might be a lady out Douglas way that could bring yer plastic bottles into recycling banks for you - but she's a bit of an angry-madam at times allegedly, so approach with caution.
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