Rate the last movie you watched out of 10


One of mine went and gave it a 8/10 which surprised me, said this one was more like Dahl.
I won't be going but said I'd pass it on in case anyone was thinking of going.

Annette Benning plays the lead role of a former Olympic swimmer who in her 70s tries to swim from Cuba to the US.

Jodie Foster & Rhys Ifans co star.

Decent enough . 7/10
Watched Napoleon last night. Nice work with camera, but the movie is meh and not only from the historical point of view, but in general (pun intended). Seems like Ridley did not read any of Napoleon's biography and based it on youtube videos like "a history of Napoleon in 5 minutes".

After watching it, it just made me sad that he produced it at the end of his life...

For American viewers it could be a "masterpiece" but for anyone knowing the history a bit more than an average American citizen this movie is a slap and and a spit in the face...
Ridleys debut movie the Duelists is a far better portrayal of the Napoleonic era, though the little fella doesn't appear himself. Fraction of the budget and running time and looks incredible, plus its got Harvey Keitel and Keith Carradine.
Watched Napoleon last night. Nice work with camera, but the movie is meh and not only from the historical point of view, but in general (pun intended). Seems like Ridley did not read any of Napoleon's biography and based it on youtube videos like "a history of Napoleon in 5 minutes".

After watching it, it just made me sad that he produced it at the end of his life...

For American viewers it could be a "masterpiece" but for anyone knowing the history a bit more than an average American citizen this movie is a slap and and a spit in the face...

Scott has said there is another 35mins to be added to the streaming release. Will probably be a lot more coherent.

The theatrical release just rushed through A to B to C
The killer 8/10

Finchy doing what he does best in this magnified perspective on how a hitman goes about his business. Bender is captivating throughout and holds his own in the only real action scene.

In the top 5 of the year
Good job I checked.
Was gonna post on it.
I'd go 7. I agree with everything you posted except the end was a bit too cerebral for what had gone before.

Definitely a great watch though. Fassbender excellent.
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