Pubs reopening June 29th

Yep they absolutely ruined it. I went in one night to watch Tony Milner and the place was just absolutely soulless and empty. Gary formerly of Barry's looked to be managing it, but apparently he's gone from the place already. I don't blame him

I know it's a long time ago but the Briar Rose used be one of the best gigs for the Jazz Weekend imho. There was some Glen Miller tribute band playing swing and the place used be heaving and everyone in great spirits. It was our go-to Jazz venue for years. It was out of town and a bit of a Jazz "secret" but we loved it. A few of us used to go to The Briar every Thursday evening for years. But times moved on, people got married or moved away or whatever.

I recently went in there with a pal of mine who lives nearby. We just had a cup of coffee each and moved on. Bar staff were disinterested and though it was a Saturday afternoon there were only two other punters in the place. Even the tumbleweed gave the place a miss.
You would not even stop there now as the whole place is just like a giant traffic transit hub and the whole village is just over commercialised and no reason to stop there anymore. The South County the odd time at a stretch.

It used to be possible to go on a decent pub crawl there but now you go into some of the pubs and they are just shoving a food menu into your face every 5 minutes.

Barry's are shocking for that.

Have any of ye ever encountered a guy called Ebenezer Jones in the pubs in Douglas? He was drinking in Driscolls last I heard
I thought JohnO's was the worst for shoving a menu in your face - though admittedly I've not been back there since covid so it may have changed.
Barrys feels like the lobby of a regional 4 star hotel or an airport bar that has made some very bad interior design choices during the Celtic tiger era and with many waiting staff constantly running around either serving food,taking orders or tidying up after food etc.

You cannot relax there for a second.

Some of the types in there are absolute pests too. Going on loudly about their yachts and holiday houses to anyone that'll listen.

I've not been there in ages. In fact I met one of their barman a while back and he said he can't afford to drink on Barry's, their prices have gone through the roof.
Some of the types in there are absolute pests too. Going on loudly about their yachts and holiday houses to anyone that'll listen.

I've not been there in ages. In fact I met one of their barman a while back and he said he can't afford to drink on Barry's, their prices have gone through the roof.
I got stuck on a train recently sitting across from one of those types.. telling the buddy his shoes cost a G so he bought the daughters soilence with a noice lunch

sweet focking jeebus.. hours of it
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Snap from his trip to San Diego

Driscolls will be a comedown after this reception

That's fucking magical 🤣🤣🤣👍

He's some character. He was "playing" in some pub one night and he asked Mick the Butch Murphy to look after his keyboard while be went to the jacks.

When he was in the jacks the keyboard started playing itself and he rushed back out and went to Mick "I told you to watch it!"

"I did, but I didn't expect the fucking thing to start playing itself" 🤣
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The Richmond Revival, College Road, Fermoy, Co. Cork, P61 T292

14th Sep 2024 @ 8:00 pm
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