Potential Presidential Candidates

There isn't really much scope for innovation in the job of president. When Mary Robinson was elected, she was all 'gonna show there's more to the job than opening sports centres'.

A couple of years later, she was opening sports centres to beat the band.

Michael D has been pushing the envelope on what he is allowed to say but the political class pretty much ignore him.

My tip would be Fergus Finlay. I think he was considering it last time but he wouldn't go up against Michael D.
A very coceated guy?
There isn't really much scope for innovation in the job of president. When Mary Robinson was elected, she was all 'gonna show there's more to the job than opening sports centres'.

A couple of years later, she was opening sports centres to beat the band.

Michael D has been pushing the envelope on what he is allowed to say but the political class pretty much ignore him.

My tip would be Fergus Finlay. I think he was considering it last time but he wouldn't go up against Michael D.

I think Finlay would certainly have the profile and media presence, and would likely get the Labour Party machine behind him but the LP isn't the force it once was and I think Finlay would suffer from his constant lecturing to people about the requirements to give generously to charity while at the same time taking a salary of what was circa three times the average industrial wage and higher than the HSE limits out of it. He'd still be immeasurably better than Dirty Bertie though imho.
As noble a suggestion as it is to have a non-political figure as president, essentially it has to be someone with fuck all else to do.

So that rules out the likes of Caitriona Twomey, Fr Peter McVerry, and Adi Roche.

Maybe SoundMan should run?
The Lee Sessions Trad Trail
Blarney Castle Hotel, The Square, Blarney

6th Aug 2024 @ 9:30 pm
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The Hacklers

Crane Lane Theatre, Today @ 6:30pm

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