Have ya bothered to read his earlier suggestions. Evidently not.I suppose you think it should be some IRA fella or something do you
Have ya bothered to read his earlier suggestions. Evidently not.I suppose you think it should be some IRA fella or something do you
Nope I have not. Was too busy thinking up ways to bash SF tbphwyHave ya bothered to read his earlier suggestions. Evidently not.
As reading clearly is not your forte (if it was you'd have seen three names I previously suggested on this thread none of whom had anything to do with the defunct IRA and one of the three isn't even a fella) I'm not sure what a further answer from me could do to help you.I suppose you think it should be some IRA fella or something do you
John Creedon. None of whom are or were ever in the IRA afaik
Good luck fighting a national election in 26 counties without a political party behind you.
Some people on here are so fucking anally obsessed with SF bashing - a party I don't think I could vote for - that it clouds everything they post.
Sounds, I don't really agree with the celebrity/sports personality thing tbh. They tend to be airheads. We've had some fairly decent Pressies these last 20 years.
No, it's combatting their online activists that most people are concerned with.Some people on here are so fucking anally obsessed with SF bashing - a party I don't think I could vote for - that it clouds everything they post.