heh heh heh.. he was out of breath from hanging there when it came to him rapping! The half time show was good craic but it goes on way too long - must be tough for the players who want to get on with it allAgreed - couldn't begrudge the Rams. Really enjoyed the game and the whole post season. Kupp is a legend - I thought beforehand that with Stafford aiming at him and Beckham jr, the Rams would have that bit more offensively. Turnd out to be mega-tight in the end.
Class halftime show too - have already replayed it once this morning. Maybe needed a bt more Mathers but it was brilliant. LOL at the upside down chubster - he's surely 75 cents now with all that extra condition.
Feckin' have to get to a Superbowl some day - a real bucket list item.
Hard to begrudge it to the Rams after the season they've had, and losing OBJ like that with half their play book built around him. Burrows + a serious O line will be a sight
Monday morning after Superbowl