Nash 19 restaurant

You see it’s not being rewarded ,there is a quite clear legal case imo that hospitality businesses have been hamstrung by in hindsight irrational bias from the behavioural scientists and the reformed alcoholics in the traditional media that influenced the gov
The facts are they are not treated fairly,
It has to be adressed or it will lead to a lack of independent businesses ,
Tbh I don’t think the rev have a leg to stand on here .
Warehousing was available to every business in the country, this isn’t only about hospitality!
Haven't the White Rabbit owners bought Preachers recently? I'm a regular the deli in town, the Cuban Sambo is a fucking beautiful. I could see how a full sit down joint would struggle, but was never in there so not sure how well it worked. Cllrs screaming that the govt have to do something about 3 restaurants closing in Cork shows how removed they are from the actual big issue of the day. What would help is people stopped getting so up in their high horse about prices, and maybe places like this closing will give pause for thought on that. Nice quality food and good service costs money. The best thing the government could do to help the hospitality industry is buying drastically increasing the amount of / affordability of homes for rent. If people are spending 500 to 1000 euro more on rent per month than they should be then that's big expensive nights out are not on the agenda. As for Ms. Nash - I had a front row seat once for how she treated her staff at while they doing a off site catering gig, which was different level to what you'd see in the restaurant. An absolute raging bollox of a woman. Despite the good being fantastic, I avoided the place like a plague because of her.
Haven't the White Rabbit owners bought Preachers recently? I'm a regular the deli in town, the Cuban Sambo is a fucking beautiful. I could see how a full sit down joint would struggle, but was never in there so not sure how well it worked. Cllrs screaming that the govt have to do something about 3 restaurants closing in Cork shows how removed they are from the actual big issue of the day. What would help is people stopped getting so up in their high horse about prices, and maybe places like this closing will give pause for thought on that. Nice quality food and good service costs money. The best thing the government could do to help the hospitality industry is buying drastically increasing the amount of / affordability of homes for rent. If people are spending 500 to 1000 euro more on rent per month than they should be then that's big expensive nights out are not on the agenda. As for Ms. Nash - I had a front row seat once for how she treated her staff at while they doing a off site catering gig, which was different level to what you'd see in the restaurant. An absolute raging bollox of a woman. Despite the good being fantastic, I avoided the place like a plague because of her.
The heavy traffic through the airports in summer time and at weekends suggests Many people are doing well and are happier to sacrifice nights out here so they can go abroad,
The heavy traffic through the airports in summer time and at weekends suggests Many people are doing well and are happier to sacrifice nights out here so they can go abroad,
Would you blame them?
You can live in Spain for a fraction of the cost of here so it makes an ideal holiday location for all budgets
What would help is people stopped getting so up in their high horse about prices, and maybe places like this closing will give pause for thought on that. Nice quality food and good service costs money. The best thing the government could do to help the hospitality industry is buying drastically increasing the amount of / affordability of homes for rent.

Times have changed though.

People make their lunch at home now and might treat themselves to a lunch out once a week. It was different when we were all in offices and eating lunch around town every day, but when you're working from home and can walk to your kitchen to make something, why would you go out and buy lunch? Cafes and restaurants aren't charities like.

I think the equilibrium has been breached and that's a major problem. Restaurants have to charge high prices to survive, but those prices are now past the point of what consumers are willing to casually pay, outside of a special occasion.
The heavy traffic through the airports in summer time and at weekends suggests Many people are doing well and are happier to sacrifice nights out here so they can go abroad,
There is a growing divide between rich and poor in this country, a top of the range new SUV could cost you upto 200k and they are to seen cruising around the place, on the other hand you have fellas in the gig economy delivering fast food on bikes in all weathers to get by.
Once Sinn Fein have brought the price of houses down to €300k there should be plenty of spare cash around for pints and meals out

And actually that €300k house price applies to Dublin I believe, so we'll probably be getting €200k houses down here.

Happy days, plenty of leftover coin for gatt and burgers in our Gardai-secured McDonalds joints
Once Sinn Fein have brought the price of houses down to €300k there should be plenty of spare cash around for pints and meals out

And actually that €300k house price applies to Dublin I believe, so we'll probably be getting €200k houses down here.

Happy days, plenty of leftover coin for gatt and burgers in our Gardai-secured McDonalds joints
The smart operators are busy selling their gaffs so they can convert it into 2 or 3 once SF come in and wave the magic €300k flag

I’m not going to buy a couple, just the one on Aylesbury will do me, allowing for a premium of €450k
Gilbert O'Sullivan
Cork Opera House, Emmet Place, Cork

11th Sep 2024 @ 8:00 pm
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