Miio Yiannopoulos V the lefties

No need for a comeback, weak or strong. You've said nothing relevant.

Milo is a confessed provocateur, he’s TELLiNG ye he’s winding you up and ye still fall for it

Like You , Doc, Triggs and Gowly falling for Greedy’s stories every time, every time.

The only thing that’s not relevant here is your ameba brain.
Milo is a confessed provocateur, he’s TELLiNG ye he’s winding you up and ye still fall for it

Like You , Doc, Triggs and Gowly falling for Greedy’s stories every time, every time.

The only thing that’s not relevant here is your ameba brain.

You’re a pretty obsessed incel, aren’t you?

I think this thread is supposed to be about Milo.

Milo Yiannopoulos: 'I Lost Everything Helping Put Trump in Office'

Disgraced gay speaker and writer Milo Yiannopoulos is having yet another meltdown online, this time over his precious “Daddy,” Donald Trump, losing the presidential election.

Yiannopoulos, who has been banned from Facebook and Twitter, went on to “free speech platform” Parler to find a place for his rant, which started after the Supreme Court shut down a lawsuit from the state of Texas seeking to overturn the election simply because its guy lost.

“BURN THE REPUBLICAN PARTY TO THE F**KING GROUND,” he wrote. “Trump’s SCOTUS appointments were pointless. We defended a selfish clown for nothing.”

He continued, “I lost everything helping to put Trump in office. My life and career were completely destroyed. Was it worth it? No. I feel utterly betrayed. I will have vengeance.”

Yiannopoulos kept ranting, saying, “I am dedicating the rest of my life to the destruction of the Republican Party.” He even called for a new civil war, crying, “There are only two options now. Secession or war. Secession is preferable. The South must rise again.”

Obviously, none of that is going to happen. What will happen is that Joe Biden will become president, Yiannopoulos will continue to fade into obscurity, and others like him will soon follow.

The former Breitbart editor is clearly hanging on to relevancy by the fingertips, and the only thing he can do now to make headlines is to actually call for a second civil war.

Yiannopoulos shows exactly how for many people, whiteness will always trump literally anything else; being gay doesn’t matter when you’re a white supremacist.

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