Memorable hurling matches


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For good and for ill.

In recent times, glory days have been few and far between, but Nash's penalties in the 2013 finals are up there with the greatest sporting moments I have ever attended.

On the other hand, the 2019 Cork Clare match in Cusack Park was awful. The worst thunder and lightening i've ever seen at a match. We lost, and went through, Clare won and were out. Everyone was soaked and ill tempered.

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Way back I’ve been to a few cracking Munster finals and AI finals. In recent times the semi final win over KK in 2021 was brilliant just a shame it was Covid times which took from the atmosphere. Still the JOC goal was superb Last year the game above in the Gaelic grounds was brilliant although we came out the wrong side of it
Im going back to 2008 and biased, the Cork U21 County Championship final, Glen Rovers beat Duhallow after a replay. It was an epic game played on a freezing cold November night. No quarter asked or given from either team, two sendings off, a shoulder from Brian Moylan on Aidan Walsh early in the first half that would have woke the dead and a hat trick of goals from Hoggie.
1999 Munster hurling final.

7 years without a Munster title was a famine. 54k rammed into Thurles. The town end as usual a sea of red and white. Before throw in a huge Esat Digifone flag is passing along the terrace over our heads. It's stifling hot underneath it.
Smell of cider, used flares and the sound of airhorns make the atmosphere intoxicating.
Deane goals. The terrace explodes.
David Forde misses a 20 yard free. The terrace explodes again.
Full time and all hell breaks lose.
Flares going off everywhere.
2 of my buddies are on the team/panel. Make it down and celebrate with them.
Stop in the Avondhu Bar Fermoy on the way home. My dad is in there. He's langers 😂 first of only 3 times I've ever seen him drunk. He belts out De banks. Everyone joins in.

One of the great days.
Jack O' Rourke
The Richmond Revival, College Road, Fermoy, Co. Cork, P61 T292

5th Oct 2024 @ 7:00 pm
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