LISK-long island serial killer arrested

Three in Wellington Road and strongly suspected in the earlier disappearance of a guy in Mayfield.
Ironically Freddie and someone else used to do a bit of gardening for people around that time, including a relative of mine in Mayfield....

Actually I know someone who grew up in the same park as Freddie and they said he was really odd back when they were teens. Fred had a habit of catching spiders and pulling their legs off one by one.
Ironically Freddie and someone else used to do a bit of gardening for people around that time, including a relative of mine in Mayfield....

Actually I know someone who grew up in the same park as Freddie and they said he was really odd back when they were teens. Fred had a habit of catching spiders and pulling their legs off one by one.
Yer man Partch entered a raffle for a bike in a pub in Ballintemple and won it. The bike was in the the pub all the time he was missing waiting for him to claim it 😕
Cyprus Avenue, Caroline St.

8th Nov 2024 @ 7:00 pm
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