Leave Your Gun at the Door!

The gun lobby has massive financial resources. Gun sales is a BIG business in the US. And they will target even moderate gun control politicians and destroy them as examples to the others. There are a few other lobbies that can and do this, but the gun lobby is one of the most vicious.

I see Bill Gates is throwing some of his resources in to taking on the Gun Lobby--he is financially backing politicians who are willing to take on the gun lobby--there is hope yet!

Bill Gates is taking on America’s National Rifle Association (NRA). Or, as the Daily Beast put it, the NRA just “pissed off the wrong nerd genius”.

The Microsoft founder has donated $1 million to a campaign from the Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility, which pushes to expand background checks for firearms purchased within the state of Washington. Voters will decide whether Initiative 594 should become law in November, which gives the group more than enough time to spend Mr Gates’s cash.

Mr Gates’s donation to Initiative 594 comes shortly after Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen gave $500,000, while Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer and his wife Connie have also donated $125,000 each to the campaign.

The NRA opposes the initiative on the basis it will create more regulation and lead to a situation where a person cannot merely hand a firearm “to a family member or friend”.

While Mr Gates has both the financial clout and fame to take on America’s gun lobby, it remains to be seen if this is a fight Silicon Valley’s finest can win. As Business Insider notes, the NRA “has won nearly every national political battle, even after mass shootings. On immigration reform, a similar contingent of well-heeled technologists have so far failed in their push for Congress’s comprehensive immigration bill”.
Guns don't kill people,
People who say "Guns don't kill people" kill people......

with guns.

...Can't remember the comedian's name.
Very droll American one liner guy....
Guns don't kill people,
People who say "Guns don't kill people" kill people......

with guns.

...Can't remember the comedian's name.
Very droll American one liner guy....

Rich Hall?

The big law that the gun nuts want passed in each state (and they are getting their way) is conceal and carry. So if you go to a state where the stupid is particularly strong, like Florida, half the people around you might be armed and you'll never know it.

Well if your'e thinking that way, hopefully a criminal is too
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