Kim Jong-Un Appreciation Thread

Obama dropped tens of thousands of bombs and killed truckloads of innocent women and children
Himself and Hillary helped create human slave markets in Libya

They are all monsters in the end

Let's hope that Kim is about to turn it all around for his people... all he needed was a push from the golden one.

Change is coming lads..

What is it with leaders with funny hair and strange facial hair??

They always get results :D

Obama dropped targeted bombs from drones so he would have to invade another country. He eliminated Al Queda as an operational force and cleaned up the republican mess in Iraq without inflicting mass casualties. By the time he left office Isis were cornered in and a dying force, and all by local forces, no invasion. I thought trump was going to wipe the off the face of the earth? Putin, Un, and Al Bashir kill their own people at an alarming rate and destabilize the world for their own gain.
China and North Korea, the rest of the world. China and Korea, the rest of the world. China and Russia, the rest of the world. China.
Kim Jong-Un has been given the Libyan option by VP Pence and POTUS Trump. This has all the hallmarks of John Bolton the lunatic criminal war monger and dual citizen of US and Israel. He has never met a country he did not wish to bomb.
For those who are unaware of what the Libyan option entails, It is the illegal war of destruction on Libya by US and NATO ,under cover of a UN no-fly resolution.
'Ghadaffi was captured alive with the help of NATO Special Forces and anally raped with a bayonet, recorded on camera, for those who wish to view the horror on Utube.
There was never a chance of a peaceful outcome to the N.Korea issue ,when Trump reneged on the Iran Nuclear Agreement.
The US is ,as the Russians say, Agreement incapable. There has never been a Treaty they did not break, ask the Injuns.They broke over 300 peace agreements with them.
Kim Jong -Un has little choice but resist, the alternative of a bayonet up his bum is not appealing, if he wishes to retain his virginity in that region.

Kim will go down as one of the greatest world leaders of our time 🙌
Prediction; Trump and Kim Jong- Un will have a holiday jolly in Singapore. Nothing will be achieved, because the US can not be trusted to keep an Agreement, ask Iran
Should Kim disarm ,he will be attacked shortly after,
As was Ghadaffi in Libya, Saddam in Iraq. Milosevic in Yugoslavia.
For the US there is no money in peace, a $trillion military budget needs a regular war.
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