Jesus lads, 'tis looking like BREXIT!

This Rwanda policy is just as dumb as rocks and the Tories have really fucked up strategically with it.
The only party it helps is Reform, by bringing so much focus onto immigration, yet cocking up the delivery.

Best case, no flights till July:


"UN experts* today expressed concern about the role of airlines and aviation authorities in facilitating unlawful removals to Rwanda under the Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Rwanda, and the ‘Safety of Rwanda’ Bill.
“Even if the UK-Rwanda agreement and the ‘Safety of Rwanda’ Bill are approved, airlines and aviation regulators could be complicit in violating internationally protected human rights and court orders by facilitating removals to Rwanda,” the experts said.

They stressed that removing asylum-seekers to Rwanda or any other country where they would be at risk of refoulement would violate the right to be free from torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.

In November 2023, the UK Supreme Court ruled that removals to Rwanda would violate Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which prohibits torture or inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

“If airlines and aviation authorities give effect to State decisions that violate human rights, they must be held responsible for their conduct,” the experts said."


The UN experts have been in contact with the UK Government, as well as national, European and international aviation regulators, including the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and international actors, including the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to express their concerns and remind them of their responsibilities. Previous engagement by UN experts on related issues includes a communication on the UK-Rwanda Agreement, a press release on a related letter on the draft legislation, and a court intervention to the Court of Appeal.

* The experts: Siobhán Mullally, Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially women and children; Gehad Madi, Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants and Allice Jill Edwards, Special Rapporteur on torture.

The PM said that charter flights had been booked to take asylum seekers to Rwanda.
Presume he's confident those charter companies and non-uk aviation regulators are happy being at risk of violating UN Human Rights for the sake of a policy stunt by a dying government...
This is the current PM of the United Kingdom shamefully treating asylum seekers like mere objects.

Sending trafficked unfortunates to an unsafe country in order to garner the headbanger Express reader racist vote.

Sunak blaming foreign courts for delaying this (The U.K. Supreme Court) and blaming Labour peers in the House of Lords when the Tories have a huge majority in the H.O.L.

All for a policy that is guaranteed to fail and just to disgrace Britain further.
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This is the current PM of the United Kingdom shamefully treating asylum seekers like mere objects.

Sending trafficked unfortunates to an unsafe country in order to garner the headbanger Express reader racist vote.

Sunak blaming foreign courts for delaying this (The U.K. Supreme Court) and blaming Labour peers in the House of Lords whnd the Tories have a huge majority in the H.O.L.

All for a policy that is guaranteed to fail and just to disgrace Britain further.
It's even worse when you see what actually in the amendments the Lords have included.

There were only two, one where those who have supported the UK armed forces are excluded, the other where there is a mechanism for reviewing the status of Rwanda as a formally declared safe country.

Basically, Rwanda can do what they want, but without new primary legislation, the UK government would be forced, by law, to consider them a safe country. The amendment was to introduce a non-legislative way of undoing the declaration of them as a safe country.

How those are considered unreasonable is beyond me, but then again, the entire thing is beyond me.
It's even worse when you see what actually in the amendments the Lords have included.

There were only two, one where those who have supported the UK armed forces are excluded, the other where there is a mechanism for reviewing the status of Rwanda as a formally declared safe country.

Basically, Rwanda can do what they want, but without new primary legislation, the UK government would be forced, by law, to consider them a safe country. The amendment was to introduce a non-legislative way of undoing the declaration of them as a safe country.

How those are considered unreasonable is beyond me, but then again, the entire thing is beyond me.
This is all purely for optics and Rishi can bounce this over to Labour by saying: "Well what is your plan"?

The U.K. does not even have enough judges and courts to process this nonsense.

Rwanda is a country declared ‘unsafe’ in the courts and in defiance of International Law and today he mentions leaving the ECHR again.

Rwanda is just not safe, no matter what Rishi Sunak says and just imaging what happen when the first deported refugee dies in Rwandan custody?

This is all purely for optics and Rishi can bounce this over to Labour by saying: "Well what is your plan"?

The U.K. does not even have enough judges and courts to process this nonsense.

Rwanda is a country declared ‘unsafe’ in the courts and in defiance of International Law and today he mentions leaving the ECHR again.

Rwanda is just not safe, no matter what Rishi Sunak says and just imaging what happen when the first deported refugee dies in Rwandan custody?

View attachment 31949
Or this happens again:
"No sooner had he landed in its capital, Kigali, than he was told he must leave again for neighbouring Uganda - and all for a fee
They described then having their papers taken from them by people who appeared to be Rwandan officials, before being driven to a hotel which was guarded and which they were barred from leaving.
They were then told to pay up to $500 to be driven in groups to the Ugandan border. Cars were waiting on the other side to drive them to the capital, Kampala. Again they were made to pay.
But with no work or documentation, they say they needed to keep moving - joining the well-worn migration routes across Africa and the Mediterranean to reach Europe.
Or this happens again:
"No sooner had he landed in its capital, Kigali, than he was told he must leave again for neighbouring Uganda - and all for a fee
They described then having their papers taken from them by people who appeared to be Rwandan officials, before being driven to a hotel which was guarded and which they were barred from leaving.
They were then told to pay up to $500 to be driven in groups to the Ugandan border. Cars were waiting on the other side to drive them to the capital, Kampala. Again they were made to pay.
But with no work or documentation, they say they needed to keep moving - joining the well-worn migration routes across Africa and the Mediterranean to reach Europe.
Yes, you know that it is going to end very badly for some and all just for preformatitive cruelty by an unelected Prime Minister hoping that this nasty illegal policy will somehow get votes on the sinking Titanic.

Imagine even being associated with this nightmare in the history books forever?
Yes, you know that it is going to end very badly for some and all just for preformatitive cruelty by an unelected Prime Minister hoping that this nasty illegal policy will somehow get votes on the sinking Titanic.

Imagine even being associated with this nightmare in the history books forever?
Thing is, his government has actually got some decent ideas at times.
But even with the decent ideas, the execution is incompetent.

Like extending support for childcare down to 9 months old. Fantastic, would help loads of struggling families, however the funding provided to pay for it is insufficient for nursery providers to actually afford to provide it.

Or the energy price cap, did at least partially mitigate some of the worst of the problems with energy price rises for individuals. But then the mechanism for bringing prices back down again is absolutely fucked and massively disincentives companies to reduce prices.

The minimum wage has been increased from £8.72 to £11.44, a 31% increase in 4 years, a 20% increase in the past 2. That's a massive increase, and should be applauded. But at the same time, tax thresholds have barely shifted in that last 4 years, dragging way, way more people into higher tax bands.

Levelling up - good idea, invest in disadvantaged areas. Bad idea - giving far more per head of population to the least deprived places ( It's lovely, for example, that Reading received £19.1 million to build a new central library (the old one is ugly as sin...) and improving a local theatre, but it doesn't strike me as a sensible use of those funds.
Thing is, his government has actually got some decent ideas at times.
But even with the decent ideas, the execution is incompetent.

Like extending support for childcare down to 9 months old. Fantastic, would help loads of struggling families, however the funding provided to pay for it is insufficient for nursery providers to actually afford to provide it.

Or the energy price cap, did at least partially mitigate some of the worst of the problems with energy price rises for individuals. But then the mechanism for bringing prices back down again is absolutely fucked and massively disincentives companies to reduce prices.

The minimum wage has been increased from £8.72 to £11.44, a 31% increase in 4 years, a 20% increase in the past 2. That's a massive increase, and should be applauded. But at the same time, tax thresholds have barely shifted in that last 4 years, dragging way, way more people into higher tax bands.

Levelling up - good idea, invest in disadvantaged areas. Bad idea - giving far more per head of population to the least deprived places ( It's lovely, for example, that Reading received £19.1 million to build a new central library (the old one is ugly as sin...) and improving a local theatre, but it doesn't strike me as a sensible use of those funds.
Levelling up never really happened though and Rishi Sunak’s Rwanda scheme is costing over £500m to send just 300 people to a human rights compromised hellhole for less than 1% of illegal asylum seekers.

You could be on your deathbed and a private company (On fat bonuses for getting ill people back to work) will now assess you fit for work and no health professional involved.

Austerity and Brexit have crippled them and now the highest tax burden in 70 years.

Britain has just focked itself.

All fantasyland stuff of course.
Levelling up - good idea, invest in disadvantaged areas. Bad idea - giving far more per head of population to the least deprived places ( It's lovely, for example, that Reading received £19.1 million to build a new central library (the old one is ugly as sin...) and improving a local theatre, but it doesn't strike me as a sensible use of those funds.

Jesus christ, that's what they spent it on?

Surely that's just day to day capital expenditure, rebranded?
Jesus christ, that's what they spent it on?

Surely that's just day to day capital expenditure, rebranded?
Lot of theatre and "event space" renovations. Because that's what will bring long term productivity improvements, levelling up those regions economically...

Not at all biased either.

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