There's a fresh scandal brewing in prosecutions of carers for simple errors in complex forms for aid.
The guardian has been publishing a series of articles on it this week where carers get their lives destroyed for trivial errors.
George Henderson had to sell his home to repay nearly £20,000, years after ticking wrong box on carer’s allowance form
Misunderstood one tick box, ended up having to sell his house and attempted suicide after being prosecuted for an error that cost at most 30p a week.
Helen Grater claimed carer’s allowance while looking after seriously ill partner – and unknowingly exceeded earnings threshold
Massive fine for not understanding that universal credit doesn't automatically adjust for extra wages
Vivienne Groom was threatened with a prison term despite a call-handler saying she did not need to declare her 16-hour a week job
"Groom worked 16 hours a week at the Co-op while caring for her mother when she first started received the £60-a-week carer’s allowance in 2014. She did not declare the job because she was told by a social worker that she did not need to, she said, adding that it was an honest mistake.
Groom said she phoned the DWP to tell them she no longer wanted to receive the £60-a-week carer’s allowance when the Co-op increased her hours in 2015, a year after she began caring for her mother. She said, however, that a DWP call-handler told her: “We’ll have to look into this and get back to you.”
“And that was it. I never heard anything then until last year,” she said, referring to the letter in 2022 informing Groom that she was being prosecuted for benefit fraud.
The judge ordered the DWP to calculate how much carer’s allowance Groom would have been entitled to had she declared her part-time Co-op job, adding that he was “truly unimpressed” they had not done so.
Yet after a further two court hearings before two different judges, the DWP still refused to calculate the difference – which would have meant Groom would have to repay a lower figure – and insisted it take the full £16,105 inheritance.
Last Wednesday, another judge – the fourth in six months – finally confiscated the family bequest. In a hearing that lasted barely five minutes, Judge Berkson said he understood that Groom has a “sentimental attachment” to the inheritance but that it must still be seized"
Looks almost identical to the Post Office scandal but if anything it's worse as carers are looking after the sickest in society and get fuck all for it