Jesus lads, 'tis looking like BREXIT!


"Picture a country going backwards, where workers haven't had a decent pay rise in 15 years, public services are on the verge of collapse, and the gap between rich and poor grows year on year"

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You hear about "air gapped" environments a lot, like GCHQ, MOD, power generation facilities, whatever, the idea is that you can't plug in a hard drive and load stuff onto the system, or access the internet, to avoid this kind of thing.

You'd think a nuclear waste processing facility could do without access to facebook like.
Ssssh, don't worry, world beating art dealerships.

HBB is very positive about the future of the UK.
He has to be positive about the future as that is human nature once you settle somewhere, get a good job, marry, settle down and have kids etc.

The U.K. has poor leadership, low production, it has placed economic sanctions upon itself, a corrupt class system, hopless media with useless toffs in charge where it matters.

That is not suddenly going to change with Starmer as it has no vision apart from a backwards nostalgia where the past is a seductive liar (See also Trump).
Who said it appeals for the average joe though?

The only reason why Starmer is in with a shout is because well, look at what the current shower are up to.

*gestures all around*

You're optimistic, because you work in tech, and you're minted, you're also a bit older, and might have got on the ladder before everything went to utter shit.

But the country is shagged, keep renewing those passports lad.
I generally agree with this.

But Blair wasn't particularly loved ahead of 1997, for example, this is from 1999:
"The myth that Labour owes its electoral success to Tony Blair's popularity and charisma is shattered in a new book.

John Smith would have secured 'a healthy majority' for Labour. Even the much-pilloried Neil Kinnock, dubbed the 'Welsh windbag' by the tabloid press and blamed for keeping Labour out of power in the Eighties, might have won in 1997, the authors claim.
Had Major been able to gag dissent in his Cabinet, and make the European single currency an issue, the evidence suggests he could have whittled Labour's majority down to almost nothing."

The left of the party hated Blair from day 1.



There's only a few percent between Starmer and Blair there.

Inequality and cost of living in the UK are pretty bad, but the former is where Labour have been historically very good.

Maybe it is just blind optimism. But I like the fact that Starmer is a cautious leader from the left who is willing to at least somewhat accommodate the right of the country. Which is the majority of England, it is fundamentally a rightward leaning country. With a billionaire owned right wing dominated press.
They're not attempting to sell a fantasy of reversing brexit in the near term, it's just not going to happen. Much as I'd love for it to happen, it's not. But getting a much, much better travel and trade agreement is definitely achievable, which is what they're aiming for.
I also like Rachel Reeves, she's a fairly classic Blairite third way type, pragmatic instead of idealistic.
I'm also very much a fan of Angela Rayner, teenage single mum who fought her way to the top. She gets it (I think...), from what I've seen and heard, I think she understands how properly fucked the country is.

So I like what Labour are bringing despite the press, never even voted for them in a general election before, the last local elections was the first time I voted Labour in the UK, but I'm very tempted to volunteer for them for the next election.

In any case, I'd like to go back to Ireland at some point but for family reasons, it's not going to be for a while.
Ssssh, don't worry, world beating art dealerships.

HBB is very positive about the future of the UK.
Very positive is overstating it. I'm saying it's not completely fucked, there are good pockets and decent management on the horizon. No guarantee of success.

It looks like Sunak is in major trouble with this Rwanda bill.

Suella says it's not enough, doesn't bypass enough laws, needs to go further in allowing the home office to overrule existing laws as it only disapplies the Human Rights Act. She's probably right on that as it doesn't allow for ignoring the ECHR. Because that would be politically nuts, the EU would have an absolute fit about it. Rwanda have said that if it breaks international law, which it would, they're out:

The moderate "One Nation" Tories are apparently unhappy about disapplying the human rights act. It's a surprise to me that any Tories give a shit any more about human rights, thought they got rid of all of them...

The bill is an absolute mess, it would be an actual declared, binding, article of UK law that Rwanda is a safe country.

This is particularly egregious, "every decision-maker must conclusively treat the Republic of Rwanda as a safe country"

And that "the validity of an Act is unaffected by international law"

That is not how international law works.

So it's too mad for moderates, not mad enough for the hard right, the Lords will block it, it's probably illegal as it's drafted, and individual migrants can escalate their case to the ECHR anyway and would probably win.

Sunak is in front of the 1922 Committee right now, he'd better be putting in a good performance. He had the option of shrugging his shoulders and saying "oh well, we tried", then come up with something else. But no, continued down Failure Alley...

It looks like Sunak is in major trouble with this Rwanda bill.

Suella says it's not enough, doesn't bypass enough laws, needs to go further in allowing the home office to overrule existing laws as it only disapplies the Human Rights Act. She's probably right on that as it doesn't allow for ignoring the ECHR. Because that would be politically nuts, the EU would have an absolute fit about it. Rwanda have said that if it breaks international law, which it would, they're out:

The moderate "One Nation" Tories are apparently unhappy about disapplying the human rights act. It's a surprise to me that any Tories give a shit any more about human rights, thought they got rid of all of them...

The bill is an absolute mess, it would be an actual declared, binding, article of UK law that Rwanda is a safe country.

This is particularly egregious, "every decision-maker must conclusively treat the Republic of Rwanda as a safe country"

And that "the validity of an Act is unaffected by international law"

That is not how international law works.

So it's too mad for moderates, not mad enough for the hard right, the Lords will block it, it's probably illegal as it's drafted, and individual migrants can escalate their case to the ECHR anyway and would probably win.

Sunak is in front of the 1922 Committee right now, he'd better be putting in a good performance. He had the option of shrugging his shoulders and saying "oh well, we tried", then come up with something else. But no, continued down Failure Alley...
Suella and her gang have just gone full fascist as she wants to build detention centres (concentration camps) for migrants in her Enoch Powell speech today.

BREAKING: Rwanda government threatens to pull out of the deal if it does not adhere to international law. Hugely problematic and potentially humiliating for govt if its partner country decides the deal is too toxic.

Rwandan Goverment uses its soft power to prevent banana republic from committing human rights abuses.

Rwanda says "No"

1922 commitee meeting earlier.
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What is not often mentioned is that the Rwanda agreement includes that Rwanda can send immigrants to UK also; not the same ones but others.
It's just another British ballsup.
BJ 'close to tears' at the covid inquiry today; the headlines say, as his fans will believe him.
What is not often mentioned is that the Rwanda agreement includes that Rwanda can send immigrants to UK also; not the same ones but others.
It's just another British ballsup.
BJ 'close to tears' at the covid inquiry today; the headlines say, as his fans will believe him.
It was one of Starmer's main lines of attack in PMQs.

The Tories have provided in one day enough attack material for an entire election today. COVID incompetence, obvious lying from a former leader, a shit illegal policy that will split their party and a Rivers of Blood 2 speech by Suella Braverman.

The Rwanda policy contains everything, incompetence, wastefulness, cruelty and failing to deliver on promises.
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