Italian general election kicking off, right wing expected to do well

We are likely to see an outburst from our president Mr Michael Higgins on the dangers of the move to the right. He is likely to tone down his speech in case it would drive people on the fence to the Right. He is not a happy man this evening.

F*ck him , with his tribute to a monster like Castro.

A revolting little man.
Is she any more right than the Tories.?
She is not even talking about leaving the E.U. anyway but you can see where the Tories Brexit has brought the U.K. to today.

A right-wing block on 44% of vote triumphs over centre & centre-left parties on 49% because it worked together and they didn't.

There is little which separates conservative political parties from fascist political parties when it comes to their desire to destroy trade unions, villainise refugees, remove health & safety, remove regulations on unfettered capitalism, diminish the rights of women's reproductive rights, LGBT rights privatise and limit state services etc.

Never has our future been more unpredictable, never have we depended so much on political forces that cannot be trusted to follow the rules of common sense and self-interest; forces that look like sheer insanity - Hannah Arendt, Origins of Totalitarianism (1951)

10y yields jump to 4.42% after Giorgia Meloni won a clear majority

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She is not even talking about leaving the E.U. anyway but you can see where the Tories Brexit has brought the U.K. to today.

A right-wing block on 44% of vote triumphs over centre & centre-left parties on 49% because it worked together and they didn't.

There is little which separates conservative political parties from fascist political parties when it comes to their desire to destroy trade unions, villainise refugees, remove health & safety, remove regulations on unfettered capitalism, diminish the rights of women's reproductive rights, LGBT rights privatise and limit state services etc.

Never has our future been more unpredictable, never have we depended so much on political forces that cannot be trusted to follow the rules of common sense and self-interest; forces that look like sheer insanity - Hannah Arendt, Origins of Totalitarianism (1951)

10y yields jump to 4.42% after Giorgia Meloni won a clear majority

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Your third paragraph was pure comedy. Thanks!
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