It took Gaza to put Gardai in the City Centre

Just left town,I’ve never seen so many people it the city center as I have seen today ,all kinds of people enjoying themselves and no sense of menace, There was a handy visible Garda Presence throughout the city , Isn’t it an awful irony that it took genocide in Gaza to bring calm to the streets of Cork , But it begs the question,if you can deploy boots to police a just show of solidarity with the people of Palestine then why can’t you do it every day , The issues in town are always during the day and early evening before private security comes in to play , What a lovely day ,it was like cork 20 years ago ,pity about how it came to be “accidentally “ policed , We deserve better .
2nd person I have heard say to have noted similar
Just left town,I’ve never seen so many people it the city center as I have seen today ,all kinds of people enjoying themselves and no sense of menace, There was a handy visible Garda Presence throughout the city , Isn’t it an awful irony that it took genocide in Gaza to bring calm to the streets of Cork , But it begs the question,if you can deploy boots to police a just show of solidarity with the people of Palestine then why can’t you do it every day , The issues in town are always during the day and early evening before private security comes in to play , What a lovely day ,it was like cork 20 years ago ,pity about how it came to be “accidentally “ policed , We deserve better .
You are the third person I have heard similar from today.

I spoke to one retail manager earlier who was up 120% on last year. They had actually anticipated a worse day on last year due to decent weather etc, and the usual commentary!

Do you genuinely believe there is a correlation with Garda presence? I do see your point regarding private security.
100% town a lot tamer with circa 12 k people in and out of the pubs on a given sat night than it is on a Tuesday afternoon where it is without exaggeration lawless ,this is because there is more private security than Gardai and this projects onto the streets ,you do t have this cover by day especially during the week and it’s taking an awful toll on the city , Today and I must say it’s being building for weeks now the extra garda presence due to the Gaza protests have have a huge positive knock on effect , This is basic policing ,why we can’t have it every day is soul destroying for all trying to enjoy the amenity of the city ,the visitors and those running businesses, In terms of supports for smes there should be a rebate for having to have private security in the absence of any real policing,however today shows how easily it can be fixed .
100% town a lot tamer with circa 12 k people in and out of the pubs on a given sat night than it is on a Tuesday afternoon where it is without exaggeration lawless ,this is because there is more private security than Gardai and this projects onto the streets ,you do t have this cover by day especially during the week and it’s taking an awful toll on the city , Today and I must say it’s being building for weeks now the extra garda presence due to the Gaza protests have have a huge positive knock on effect , This is basic policing ,why we can’t have it every day is soul destroying for all trying to enjoy the amenity of the city ,the visitors and those running businesses, In terms of supports for smes there should be a rebate for having to have private security in the absence of any real policing,however today shows how easily it can be fixed .
A visible police presence is very reassuring for the public,
I’d tend to agree I’ve seen 2 violent incidents in town recently both were during the week approx 7pm.

The city has been allowed to deteriorate both visibly by a lack of care and from an anti social perspective.

I had 2 local politicians call into me the other evening and they received a 35min rant from me and another neighbour on these very subjects. I doubt they will be back
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