Immigration Thread

Its roughly 15% of the population are now non Irish.

Of those put in prison in Ireland in 2022 its about 21% non Irish. Theres no breakdown available of serious crime by nationality.

What we do have is evidence from others jurisdictions where unchecked immigration/asylum has led to sharp spikes in sexual and violent crime. Perhaps you consider Ireland able to buck the trend?

We have an asylum process that has basically collapsed under the number of people applying from safe countries to avoid visa requirements.

As already mentioned 28% of those surveyed recently in a Sunday Independent poll believe immigration is an important election issue.
75% of those surveyed feel we have taken in more refugees/asylum seekers than we can cope with.

To continue wittering on about the notional far right boogeyman and demonising people with legitimate concerns will prove disastrous for the political parties that try to continue to do so. Whether people like it or not its an issue to the fore and one that requires action.
I think we need to be an open, honest and nuanced debate about how we deal with immigration in Ireland.

Personally I don’t have an issue with a certain amount economic migrants who want to come here work and give their families a better life, I’ve lived and worked all over the world so I’m not in a position to deny others similar opportunities. However I worked hard, paid my taxes and respected the laws and cultures of the places where I lived.

We know these people have a lot to offer Irish society and the Eastern European communities are a prime example of this.

When it comes to asylum/refugees it gets a bit more difficult, Again I don’t have a problem with Ireland accepting a fair portion but I feel the wool has been pulled over our eyes for far too long and the system has been allowed to be abused. I would like to see more stringent vetting procedures and timely deportations of those found to not make the required criteria.

Ultimately it needs to be fair and balanced for everyone, what’s the point in accepting thousands of people we can’t house and end up in tents ffs. That’s not good for anyone least of all the poor souls that end up here.

People who need genuine asylum for a variety of reasons should be considered fairly but at the same time the word is out that Ireland is a soft touch with a tidy remuneration package/benefits. I know this has changed recently or is in the process of changing but the point remains the same.

There is a lot of our public sector needs efficiency and effective action but immigration needs and immediate overhaul.
I think we need to be an open, honest and nuanced debate about how we deal with immigration in Ireland.

Personally I don’t have an issue with a certain amount economic migrants who want to come here work and give their families a better life, I’ve lived and worked all over the world so I’m not in a position to deny others similar opportunities. However I worked hard, paid my taxes and respected the laws and cultures of the places where I lived.

We know these people have a lot to offer Irish society and the Eastern European communities are a prime example of this.

When it comes to asylum/refugees it gets a bit more difficult, Again I don’t have a problem with Ireland accepting a fair portion but I feel the wool has been pulled over our eyes for far too long and the system has been allowed to be abused. I would like to see more stringent vetting procedures and timely deportations of those found to not make the required criteria.

Ultimately it needs to be fair and balanced for everyone, what’s the point in accepting thousands of people we can’t house and end up in tents ffs. That’s not good for anyone least of all the poor souls that end up here.

People who need genuine asylum for a variety of reasons should be considered fairly but at the same time the word is out that Ireland is a soft touch with a tidy remuneration package/benefits. I know this has changed recently or is in the process of changing but the point remains the same.

There is a lot of our public sector needs efficiency and effective action but immigration needs and immediate overhaul.

Good post.

I think theres very few have any issue with immigration, its part and parcel of our society and economically its vital.

What is apparent to most is that our asylum process is not fit for purpose. There's no valid reason for those coming from safe countries to be accomodated by our asylum system. The huge growth in asylum applications from those coming from Georgia/Albania/Algeria all points to major flaws in the process.

If you want to come here as an economic migrant fair enough but you need to meet the visa requirements and be able to support yourself until youre on your feet.
The area badly needs overhauling.

Given we are now telling those who apply for asylum to take a tent and take their chances in December/January weather shows a system thats broken.

Equally so people have a democratic right to have a say in whats being done to the community they live in. Placing 150-200 asylum seekers in rural communities with 100-200 people with no amenities is batshit crazy and is just the blundering action of a department who dont seem to know what the hell theyre doing.

Justice have dropped the ball in allowing people in who have destroyed their documents and Integration are compounding matters in trying to crowbar them into areas that are completely unsuitable.

Imo the political tide is starting to go out on this issue. Public opinion has shifted and simply ignoring peoples valid concerns wont do.
There is a lot of our public sector needs efficiency and effective action but immigration needs and immediate overhaul.
The same story with every system that is broken in this country, inefficiencies in the public service( bar the revenue, the worst in Europe). Border control people not doing their jobs, deportation officers not doing their job, justice legal departments not doing their job, NGOs doing their job, effectively leaning on weak snow flakes libtards in government.
Thats shocking.

With a police force at about 75% of whats required you see these thugs emboldened and brandishing weapons on the street.

We need a visible, armed police presence and far harsher penalties for knife crime. There should be automatic custodial sentences for those caught carrying a knife.
The danger is these tramps will start to feel untouchable and do as they please,
If you are an asylum seeker or have been granted Irish citizenship in the last 24 months you should be deported/have your citizenship revoked if you are engaged in violent crime.

Importing the dregs only worsens our society.
I am all for doing as much as we can to help those fleeing war zones, But draw the line when seeing scum coming
here and intimidating, stealing etc,
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