How much sleep do you get

I don't sleep well at all. I'll be out like a light but I'll wake up a few hours later and that's it then. Tossing and turning til my alarm goes off.

It's one thing I really want to improve about my life, so if anyone has any good advice then please share it

Could well be the sauce

Not being smart, my missus is testament to this - drink massively affects her sleep and it doesn't have to be large amounts. If she has had nothing to drink she sleeps no bother, when she has a few drinks she sleeps a few hours and then can sleep no more.

It would be worth trying a few nights and see if it makes a difference.. only thing is you might get an answer you dont like!
Could well be the sauce

Not being smart, my missus is testament to this - drink massively affects her sleep and it doesn't have to be large amounts. If she has had nothing to drink she sleeps no bother, when she has a few drinks she sleeps a few hours and then can sleep no more.

It would be worth trying a few nights and see if it makes a difference.. only thing is you might get an answer you dont like!

Ha thanks, what I find is that if I don't drink then the for the first night or two I'll be literally awake all night, and by the third night I'm so tired and depressed that I want to drink just to guarantee that I'll fall asleep
Ha thanks, what I find is that if I don't drink then the for the first night or two I'll be literally awake all night, and by the third night I'm so tired and depressed that I want to drink just to guarantee that I'll fall asleep
Might be worth doing the Mon-Thurs no drink thing and at least then you have that set out in your head, have the pints at the weekend

Its a dose if they are linked, red wine is the big trigger for my missus, she is guaranteed a shite night of sleep after it. White isn't as bad but it might still keep here awake. The upside to all of this is that she leaves my wine alone :)
Might be worth doing the Mon-Thurs no drink thing and at least then you have that set out in your head, have the pints at the weekend

Its a dose if they are linked, red wine is the big trigger for my missus, she is guaranteed a shite night of sleep after it. White isn't as bad but it might still keep here awake. The upside to all of this is that she leaves my wine alone :)

Well the plan is to majorly knock drinking on the head, which will hopefully have positive knock on effects including sleep.

It's just such a habit. I never crave a drink, but I'll get to 8pm and say "fuck it I'm bored, I'm heading out to watch whatever match is on", and next thing it's 11pm and I'm calling another pint.

If I don't have one I never want one. But once I have one I always want a second
Well the plan is to majorly knock drinking on the head, which will hopefully have positive knock on effects including sleep.

It's just such a habit. I never crave a drink, but I'll get to 8pm and say "fuck it I'm bored, I'm heading out to watch whatever match is on", and next thing it's 11pm and I'm calling another pint.

If I don't have one I never want one. But once I have one I always want a second
Might be worth changing the routine/habits to avoid that 8pm urge!

Eat later (not ideal I know), make a coffee, throw on a series, throw on videos of that Italian guitar wan, whatever. Do something that bypasses that moment where you head out the gap for the match. Chances are if you are distracted for the hour you will decide its too late to bother heading out at that stage anyway
I worked a about 5 years on shift in my early 30s I reckon it aged me about 20 years.

I'd get plenty of sleep but was constantly waking up like I'd been hit by a train.

I think it was the confluence of no longer being so young that you can brush off anything and the circadian disruption to not seeing the sun.

I'm more boring now than ever but I have found a consistent bedtime and Wake time even at weekends has helped significantly.

The second thing is nearly as important is lay off the phone for the hour before bed. 30mins of reading does the job for me but if I'm scrolling shit my mind is at 90 and sleep suffers.

Booze and late snaking is the 3rd thing. Particularly booze, I don't have a problem sleeping with it but even a bottle of beer will impact on sleep. I'd also be very slow to give it up because I enjoy it goddammit
I don't sleep well at all. I'll be out like a light but I'll wake up a few hours later and that's it then. Tossing and turning til my alarm goes off.

It's one thing I really want to improve about my life, so if anyone has any good advice then please share it
I don't know if this is much advice to you, but maybe vary things a bit to find what your best sleep time is. Up until recently, I would go to bed quite early, often before 10. I'd be out like a light, but I'd usually wake by 3 or 4 and need a piss. 50/50 whether I got back to sleep properly or not after that. I'd be really groggy when I finally had to get up.

In the last few weeks, I've gone to bed a bit later, 11 to 11.30, and I've been sleeping solidly through to 7, and getting up nice and refreshed.

The only other difference is that I've been watching the telly in the sitting room only. Herself hates that room and prefers watching something on a laptop in bed, which I hate. We wouldn't have always done it, but we haven't done it at all in the last few weeks.
The only other difference is that I've been watching the telly in the sitting room only. Herself hates that room and prefers watching something on a laptop in bed, which I hate. We wouldn't have always done it, but we haven't done it at all in the last few weeks.

I cant get my head around TV's or watching laptops in bedrooms - couldn't bear it myself.

Anyway, wouldn't ya just paint the bloody magnolia walls and give her a bit of peace?
In fact, doesn't that room look out to your Hadrians Wall/hanging gardens of babylon edifice in the back garden? You could uplight it and she'd sit there all night transfixed with it while you watch Liverpool
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