How much sleep do you get

Averaging about 5 hours, when I was working it was only about 4.
So how much sleep do you alcohol reliant wasters get.

That's good Lee.
Even if I feel shattered I'll get up the moment my eyes open, the feeling is that you won't be around long so cherish every waking moment.
It's also an escape from the kango hammer sounds coming from the nose of herself.
You're not getting enough sleep.
You need 7+ hours a night.
You're probably taking years off your life if those are the hours you're getting consistently and not getting any naps etc.
You're not getting enough sleep.
You need 7+ hours a night.
You're probably taking years off your life if those are the hours you're getting consistently and not getting any naps etc.
I've always been like that, even as a young boy I'd be up very early doing milk rounds before school.
Herself says when I do sleep that I go straight into a deep one though. Maybe that's the reason I don't need much.
Somewhere between 7 and 8 hours usually. I'm generally a good sleeper.
Im making a conscious effort to get a bit more sleep since Christmas - I would have averaged probably 6.5 hours a night last year so trying to get that to 8 hours this year by going to bed an hour earlier. I am feeling less tired but work has only started again and we had a pretty relaxing Christmas so there are a fair few factors at play there, not only this week. Need to add a bit to it as I was having massive lulls at around 3-4pm every day last year so hoping the extra bit of sleep would help with that.

I never have hassle sleeping though, get into bed, asleep in minutes, woken by the alarm.
Bernard Butler.
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13th May 2025 @ 7:00 pm
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