Green Party Senator objects to wind farm


You wouldn't go erecting a few on Skellig Mhichil but in the open landscape they are elegant

Irish renewable energy creation jumps 10% in 2014 - ORS
Funny you say you wouldn't go erecting a few on Skellig Mhichil (afaik out near SM is exactly where some are likely to be positioned), Charlie Haughie had a windmill and solar power station on his inishvickillane island as far back as the 1980s
Funny you say you wouldn't go erecting a few on Skellig Mhichil (afaik out near SM is exactly where some are likely to be positioned), Charlie Haughie had a windmill and solar power station on his inishvickillane island as far back as the 1980s
There are no proposals for any offshore windfarms near Skellig Michael which is a UNESCO world heritage site.

Charlie Haughey had a wind turbine to generate electrical power as opposed to a windmill which is used in the production of flour to grind down the wheat.
Thank you Mr Pedant. I think it was pretty obvious what I meant by "windmill and solar power station".

As for SM and it being a UNESCO site, I don't think that designation reaches out to all the waters around it. The wind technology is being proposed for platforms off the coast of Ireland, primarily the south west coast, unsurprising really given the strength of prevailing winds out there. I doubt there'd be a ban on having any within view of SM just because it's a UNESCO site tbh.
Thank you Mr Pedant. I think it was pretty obvious what I meant by "windmill and solar power station".

As for SM and it being a UNESCO site, I don't think that designation reaches out to all the waters around it. The wind technology is being proposed for platforms off the coast of Ireland, primarily the south west coast, unsurprising really given the strength of prevailing winds out there. I doubt there'd be a ban on having any within view of SM just because it's a UNESCO site tbh.
There are no proposals for any offshore windfarms anywhere near Skellig Michael.

The planning and regulatory system would not even entertain it.

Offshore windfarms will predominantly be off the east coast as the waters are shallower and the costs of development/maintenance and getting power to land based services like transformers etc.
They have turbines that are underwater that harness the power of tides, how this affects fish I have no idea.
Solar panels on farm sheds are a much better proposition then wind turbines on our beautiful landscapes.
I remember reading about this concept years ago:

To me, cutting the cable between offshore wind turbines and the grid and producing Hydrogen which can be pumped ashore or alternatively stored in spent natural gas fields would be a game changer.
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