an liathroid beag
Full Member
What are you on about the climate is always changing. The fear mongering that we are causing it is baloney.
Tell that to the people of Bandon!
What are you on about the climate is always changing. The fear mongering that we are causing it is baloney.
I knew that I shouldn't have bought that suv now the people of Bandon are suffering as a result.Tell that to the people of Bandon!
I kinda believe in a version of climate change but am very wary of the dubious people (including irish) who ram an agenda driven version down our throats.
The amount of damage that the irish (hypocrits) green party has done in the past few years will take a long time to repair.
The Green Party were very farsighted with regard to climate change--problem the Irish Public were not willing to change their wasteful ways!
The Green Party were very farsighted with regard to climate change--problem the Irish Public were not willing to change their wasteful ways!
Good post and sums up exactly what is wrong with the greens.
instead of presenting people with information ,reasoned debate and choices all the green party wants to do is "change peoples behaviour". They even have "behaviour modification" written into their party policies and procedures. With the greens world view ordinary people are incapable of making decisions and must be made to do "the correct thing".
The greens believe that they are correct 100% of the time.
In this regard the greens are as bad as nazis.
with the sniff of power that they got here they imediately went extreme.
I was delighted when they got the boot and when their rich boy leader was exposed for the hypocrite that he is with his and his families very interesting shares portfolio.
You hear fuck all about the hole in the ozone layer these days