Free Legal Parking at the CourtHouse

I know who owns that Polo...

It is used by court staff, judges (space is actually reserved for them) and any tom dick n harry incl Eric and Paudie who ditch their cars there and pop into the pub they run across the street.
Even if the footpath is "Private Property," which is debateable, there is no way that it would have planning permission for use as a car park.

It is all unofficial and the judges spots are held for them unoffically with Garda cones. Even though the judges have a free car park at the District court in Angelsea street and the minor fact that they have drivers anyway (beign circuit court judges) who drop them to the court and park up rather than drive to the district court and back later.
I wouldn't worry about the parking issue too much I would be a lot more concerned about their ability to adjudicate on legal matters as being of more importance than where they park their cars. I'd say its the staff park on the footpath more so than judges. The judges park on Liberty St. outside St Francis.
Bigger Issues

Of course there are bigger issues. However comparison hardly invalidates this issue. It is clearly wrong, illegal, and to many of us, insulting.
Our institutions are rotten through and through because we allow them to be. I believe it is worth taking issue now and again, particularly when it looks like a winnable one.

Its a fucking joke, pure banana republic stuff.
One law for them one for us, it seems like the way things go on in some fucked up African mickey mouse country.
Its a fucking joke, pure banana republic stuff.
One law for them one for us, it seems like the way things go on in some fucked up African mickey mouse country.

These gangsters are going to judge people who refuse to pay the household tax yet they are refusing to pay for parking. On planet KennMore tax is for the little people.
Pierce Turner
Coughlan's, Douglas St.

17th Oct 2024 @ 7:30 pm
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