Fox hunting

The next time the hunt came along, he shot 6/7 dogs. They hunt went over to complain, and he raised the gun and shot a horse. Told them if they weren't going to respect his land and animals safety, he was going to use his gun on their animals.
The Guards were called and said under the law your man had every right to protect his land and animals against any animal on his land, and there was nothing the hunt could do about it. They never went near the area again.

Fairplay, that man is a legend.

Totally hate fox hunting.

Im just getting ready to go bow shooting today. Lovely day for it, shooting at targets in a field and small wood.

No animals will be harmed.

I'm with you there M8.

Anyone remember the thread on here about the scumbag up in some housing estate at the top of Blarney St who shot a girl in the head through a window sometime earlier this year?

I've done a search but can't find it :confused:

Well anyhow him and his intended target were fox hunters, their FB pages were full of pics of dead foxes they had hunted down with dogs and killed. These are the kind of people who hunt foxes, total and utter scum.

BTW, that Fox Exterminator alt we had on here for a few weeks, seems to have disappeared. He was posting pics of dead foxes to get a rise out of other posters, although I suspect that lad had never left his bedsit, never mind went out hunting :lol!:
Most people are ignorant when it comes to foxes.

They mostly eat slugs for example, not chickens in which they have gone all Mission Impossible into a hen coop for, which they'll only do when starving to the point if desperation.

They are vicious little bastards, and covered in fleas.

And I think the main reason people hunt them is that they're easy for the hounds to hunt than any other animal as they stink to the high heavens, especially when wet. If badgers were as easier to hunt, they'd hunt badgers.

Don't like the hunts myself, don't see the point of calling a live animal being shredded apart "sport". More than that, they wreck the place and are pure fucking ignorant, do some amount of damage.

There's a local hunt around Thomastown in Kilkenny that did whatever they liked as good few of their members were higher ups. Used to wreck farmers fences, go on to private property, that sort of thing, pure arrogant shits.

One lad lost a few sheep to stray hounds, had fences and gates destroyed, and the cows went running for miles. He went to the hunt looking for compensation, about 10k in total, they told him to piss off.

The next time the hunt came along, he shot 6/7 dogs. They hunt went over to complain, and he raised the gun and shot a horse. Told them if they weren't going to respect his land and animals safety, he was going to use his gun on their animals.

The Guards were called and said under the law your man had every right to protect his land and animals against any animal on his land, and there was nothing the hunt could do about it. They never went near the area again.

Brilliant stuff I thought, your man is a bit mad alright, real Bull McCabe type character, but some way to stand your ground.

That's not nice.
The fox plays an important role in balancing the ecological cycle of nature by killing rodents and helping to control an excess of their population. They have a very wide diet and should be a gardeners friend as they get rid of pests such as beetles, slugs and grubs as well as rats and mice.

They also help to cut down on the number of ticks, simply by killing off rodents who are infested with them.

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17th Oct 2024 @ 7:30 pm
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