F***in Erikkson

MonTheHoops said:
P.S. showcase,

As for people over here pullling on the jerseys of Liverpool, Arsenal etc.

Am I right in saying that the Liverpool team that won the European Cup in 84 didn't have an Englishman in the starting eleven?

Yes, I believe they didn't. But that's on a specific team in a specific year. I am generalising in the sense that all of the lads that would normally start in an English International team play in England with the exception of Beckham.
showcase cork said:
Yes, I believe they didn't. But that's on a specific team in a specific year. I am generalising in the sense that all of the lads that would normally start in an English International team play in England with the exception of Beckham.

Yes but you also have to recognise that people over here didn't begin following Liverpool for any old reason. People here began following their choice of team because often some of their favourite Irish players played in that team.

It's the media most people will be pissd off with here. If England were to win the World Cup there's be no end to the gloating. Remember Beckham's centre page spread of the metatarsal for fuck sake. Imagine that, then multiply it by 10 for the reaction.
MonTheHoops said:
Yes but you also have to recognise that people over here didn't begin following Liverpool for any old reason. People here began following their choice of team because often some of their favourite Irish players played in that team.

It's the media most people will be pissd off with here. If England were to win the World Cup there's be no end to the gloating. Remember Beckham's centre page spread of the metatarsal for fuck sake. Imagine that, then multiply it by 10 for the reaction.

I hate the Media as much as you seem to Mon. I will never forget The Sun/Hillsborough but you can't stop these dickheads writing stuff if people keep buying them.

I don't buy tabloids as a rule, maybe from time to time the odd Sunday but I generally look on the internet for my source of news.

All the press back home do is build someone up and knock them down again just to make interesting reading.

England alone as a footballing nation have the ability and strength to win this tournament. I just doubt they have the coach!
showcase cork said:
England alone as a footballing nation have the ability and strength to win this tournament. I just doubt they have the coach!

I think England can win it if they're lucky but they're not the best team in the tournament. Then again, neither were Liverpool last season.
MonTheHoops said:
I think England can win it if they're lucky but they're not the best team in the tournament. Then again, neither were Liverpool last season.

You can define 'the best team in the tournament' in different ways.

Maybe they didn't play the best football but they got the best results.

We knocked out three of the best teams in Europe in Milan, Chelsea and Juve and in this game it's results that decide matches and titles so I would say based upon that we did deserve to win it (we may not deserve to have been in though - granted!!).

The best team in my opinion is the team that wins the match at the end of the day and although the Greek lads may not have cost as much money or be paid as much salary they were the best team cos they beat everyone who beat everyone else and that's all you can measure a tournament upon
showcase cork said:
The best team in my opinion is the team that wins the match at the end of the day and although the Greek lads may not have cost as much money or be paid as much salary they were the best team cos they beat everyone who beat everyone else and that's all you can measure a tournament upon

Ok. But you wouldn't have fancied the Greeks (or Liverpool) before their respective tournaments began so surely you can understand why I don't fancy England. I don't think they will be the best team in it so I don't think they'll win it. That doesn't mean they won't.
MonTheHoops said:
Ok. But you wouldn't have fancied the Greeks (or Liverpool) before their respective tournaments began so surely you can understand why I don't fancy England. I don't think they will be the best team in it so I don't think they'll win it. That doesn't mean they won't.

I said after the first leg against Leverkusen that there's no reason why we can't win this as we are difficult to beat over two legs and have a great record in European Finals and finals in gereral recently.

The only time I was surprised was when we turned it around from 3-0 down at half time against Milan.

My brother is a season ticket holder and goes pretty much most the games in cups too and says that again it's gonna take a great team to knock us out over two legs again this time around. Benfica are not a great team so we get past them we are in the last 8 and anything is possible then.

I don't think it would be a total waste of a tenner to have a double at Liverpool retaining it and England winning the World Cup. As good a bet as any.
showcase cork said:
Won the group and qualified didn't we Tom! Losing one out the whole campaign ain't bad in my book.

I think your hatred for England is blinding your reasoning and footballing logic here a bit. Deep down you know we have a genuine chance.

If Greece can win the Euro 2004 then England can win the World Cup.

Possibly can yes.
Ye had a very easy group and struggled to come out top.
Yer performances were sub standard.
Ye have a good chance but I've give 6/7 other teams a better chance as they are more balanced.
England have great players yes but I don't think they are a great team.
Fat Tom said:
Possibly can yes.
Ye had a very easy group and struggled to come out top.
Yer performances were sub standard.
Ye have a good chance but I've give 6/7 other teams a better chance as they are more balanced.
England have great players yes but I don't think they are a great team.

I would say that this is probably one of the most open tournaments in modern day in the sense that there is alot more genuine contenders for the prize than just the usual suspects.

Brazil once again are the team to beat and the Germans will somehow manage to plough their way on by playing shit like they did last time.

The Greeks opened alot of peoples minds and alot of the players beliefs and I think we will see the spirit of their win in alot of countries minds this summer.
From SkySports.com

Sven Goran Eriksson has issued legal proceedings against the News of the World newspaper.

The article to which Eriksson is referring has made the headlines over this past week after the Swede was tricked into talking about a host of subjects, which included his own future as England manager, his interest in managing Aston Villa and revealing thoughts on Wayne Rooney, Michael Owen and David Beckham.

Eriksson was duped into talking to an undercover reporter, who was posing as a rich Arab businessman, in a meeting that was also attended by his agent Athole Still and lawyer Richard Des Voeux.

The false pretext for the meeting was the possibility of opening a football academy in the Emirates, with the Football Association reportedly having approved the discourse.

However, discussions soon veered from the said topic and Eriksson has again seen himself cast as the villain in terms of his loyalty, or rather lack if it, for his current post.

However, citing 'breach of confidence', Eriksson has now begun legal proceedings against the News of the World.

"Our clients Sven-Goran Eriksson, Athole Still and Richard Des Voeux have today issued legal proceedings against the News of the World in the High Court in London for breach of confidence," read a statement from Eriksson's legal representatives.

''Last Sunday, the News of the World published a series of articles about a trip our clients made to Dubai at the invitation of an apparently legitimate company to discuss the possibility of a future sports development consultancy.

"It is now clear that this was all a highly sophisticated deception by the newspaper.

''The resulting articles were a gross invasion of privacy, and the discussions, which our clients were expressly asked to keep confidential, were reported out of context in a distorted and sensationalised manner so as to provide a spurious pretext for the headlines which appeared."
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