F***in Erikkson

Not happy with him atall

OK, I am English and believe we have a genuine chance along with possibly five other nations of winning the World Cup in Germany.

However, I think the biggest thing holding us back from winning a tournament to being just a guaranteed Quarter Finalists or Semi Finalists is the Coach.

Now after his big mouth has done the same as his trouser zip and not stayed closed, this is bound to have an effect on the squad. I was and have never been happy with having a non-national in charge of England but I know that it can sometimes work (Jackie Charlton prime example) but now I hope and pray the FA sack him so we can go into this tournament with someone else, someone English.

Ireland have just appointed an Irish legend as a manager and I think a national side needs someone who is passionate about the country aswell as being an excellent manager to maximise the full potential of the nation.

Erikkson is Swedish and at the end of the day it's just a job to him. If we do win the World Cup in July he will get plenty of hand shakes and it will do his CV no harm but he won't feel any passion and certainly won't inject any into a squad that must surely have lost faith and respect in him after the tit blabbed to a News Of The World reporter last weekend.

The Wigan chairman has mentioned Paul Jewell and Stuart Pearce who I believe are both excellent choices but not at this time. I would tell Erikkson to do one today and beg El Tel to come back and lead us to glory in Germany cos if that tosser is in charge we don't play with our strongest hand and to win the World Cup you certainly need to.
I'd take a look at the Sun/NOTW for:

1) Building up hopes of the English into thinking they can win it
2) Launching a sting attack on Ericsson
3) Eventually castigating the manager/players when ye bomb out at the quarter/semi final stage.

Best of luck but I'd hate to see you get past the group stages, if only so we only have to put up with 3 matches where 1966, the war and the British empire is mentioned.
MonTheHoops said:
I'd take a look at the Sun/NOTW for:

1) Building up hopes of the English into thinking they can win it
2) Launching a sting attack on Ericsson
3) Eventually castigating the manager/players when ye bomb out at the quarter/semi final stage.

Best of luck but I'd hate to see you get past the group stages, if only so we only have to put up with 3 matches where 1966, the war and the British empire is mentioned.

If we won it we wouldn't go on about 1966 anymore!
MonTheHoops said:
Is that a promise? Or would I get just as sick of listening to 1966 & 2006. Wayne Rooney on how we'll do the Germans in 2046

Well how about if just I promise!!

I know we are the last nation that Ireland want to win it but you must think we have a genuine chance this year?
I personally think England have a serious chance this time,except for 2 things.The manager,the media and a serious lack of left sided players.Those are the only things that are between England being a quarter/semi finalist, and being world champions.
The spine of the team,Robinson,Terry,Gerrard,Lampard,Beckham,Rooney and a fit Michael Owen would trouble any side in the world,even Brazil.
But you'd have to wonder whether Sven really has what it takes to beat the likes of Brazil when it comes to the crunch. Without Ashley Cole then any country with a decent right side of midfield(Portugal for example) will cause England all sorts of problems.
The media hype the Sun/NOTW etc genereate is ridiculous.of course they're only doing this so that they have someone to bring down equally as fast,see Beckham after 98 for example on how this is done.They are englands achilles heal in a way,what good is it setting up your National teams manager and undermining his job 5 months before the world cup? It's beyond thick!
showcase cork said:
Not happy with him atall

OK, I am English and believe we have a genuine chance along with possibly five other nations of winning the World Cup in Germany.

However, I think the biggest thing holding us back from winning a tournament to being just a guaranteed Quarter Finalists or Semi Finalists is the Coach.

Now after his big mouth has done the same as his trouser zip and not stayed closed, this is bound to have an effect on the squad. I was and have never been happy with having a non-national in charge of England but I know that it can sometimes work (Jackie Charlton prime example) but now I hope and pray the FA sack him so we can go into this tournament with someone else, someone English.

Ireland have just appointed an Irish legend as a manager and I think a national side needs someone who is passionate about the country aswell as being an excellent manager to maximise the full potential of the nation.

Erikkson is Swedish and at the end of the day it's just a job to him. If we do win the World Cup in July he will get plenty of hand shakes and it will do his CV no harm but he won't feel any passion and certainly won't inject any into a squad that must surely have lost faith and respect in him after the tit blabbed to a News Of The World reporter last weekend.

The Wigan chairman has mentioned Paul Jewell and Stuart Pearce who I believe are both excellent choices but not at this time. I would tell Erikkson to do one today and beg El Tel to come back and lead us to glory in Germany cos if that tosser is in charge we don't play with our strongest hand and to win the World Cup you certainly need to.

erikkson doesn't have the balls to pick the best team available. for example last season when SWP was playing good for city and beckham was shite for real, he still picked him. if thats the attitude of the manager, ie. try and please the media/corpo sponsors yis don't have a hope. if venebles was brought in now, without there being a big loola about why erikkson got fired, he'd have a great chance of properly motivating the team.

if pearce keeps improving at city, i could see him as being a manager in the future. but while being an excellent motivator, he lacks tactical know how imo. plus he doesn't have that much high level coaching experience, but that doesn't seem to matter (not in this country anyway).

so, while yis do have an excellent squad, best crop of players in a long time, yis'll bottle it, and erikkson will quit(or get fired, can't see him foregoing the dosh) when yis get knocked out at the quarters or semi's.
showcase cork said:
Well how about if just I promise!!

I know we are the last nation that Ireland want to win it but you must think we have a genuine chance this year?

No good. Look at what happened last time we believed you feckers when ye made a promise.

Semi finals is as far as you'll go in my opinion. Someone will knock you out. Cue hysteria in the press and babies crying.
showcase cork said:
Not happy with him atall

OK, I am English and believe we have a genuine chance along with possibly five other nations of winning the World Cup in Germany.

However, I think the biggest thing holding us back from winning a tournament to being just a guaranteed Quarter Finalists or Semi Finalists is the Coach.

Now after his big mouth has done the same as his trouser zip and not stayed closed, this is bound to have an effect on the squad. I was and have never been happy with having a non-national in charge of England but I know that it can sometimes work (Jackie Charlton prime example) but now I hope and pray the FA sack him so we can go into this tournament with someone else, someone English.

Ireland have just appointed an Irish legend as a manager and I think a national side needs someone who is passionate about the country aswell as being an excellent manager to maximise the full potential of the nation.

Erikkson is Swedish and at the end of the day it's just a job to him. If we do win the World Cup in July he will get plenty of hand shakes and it will do his CV no harm but he won't feel any passion and certainly won't inject any into a squad that must surely have lost faith and respect in him after the tit blabbed to a News Of The World reporter last weekend.

The Wigan chairman has mentioned Paul Jewell and Stuart Pearce who I believe are both excellent choices but not at this time. I would tell Erikkson to do one today and beg El Tel to come back and lead us to glory in Germany cos if that tosser is in charge we don't play with our strongest hand and to win the World Cup you certainly need to.

Its fairly well recognised the Eriksson is the biggest bluffer that ever walked the face of this planet but there`s no way the FA would sack him before a major tournament, too many implications.
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