Dublin... Is a fucking shithole

Hun is not a sectarian slur dear. It's a widely used reference to players/fans/officials of the defunct Rangers FC, and their tribute act The Rangers FC and it doesn't reference any religion. All the TRFC players are huns, some of them are of the RC faith, I think there may even be Muslims amongst them too. Huns one and all.

It is a sectarian slur, a derogatory term directed at Protestants.

You've been asked to stop using it yet you continue, on a near daily basis

You ignorant , bigoted 🔔🔚
It is a sectarian slur, a derogatory term directed at Protestants.

You've been asked to stop using it yet you continue, on a near daily basis

You ignorant , bigoted 🔔🔚

Why on earth would I be making sectarian slurs against Protestants? Some of my own relations are Presbyterian (originally from Scotland) and I'm married into a CofI family you clown and I think I'm closer in my religious outlook to them than to my nominal RC faith that I grew up with.

Anyone discriminating against anyone else merely on the strength of what they think is the best path to the very same notional being they follow needs their bumps felt imho.

The ignorant one here is you. And your attempted transference of religious bigotry on me says more about you and your outlook on religion "Bishop Con".

Probably best you try stick to things you actually know about

'Some of my best friends are black'.

Its a derogatory, sectarian slur for Protestants.

Stop using it you ignorant browl.

Very few of my friends are black. But I've a couple of pals who are. Hope that's OK with you.

It's not

The ignorant browl here is you. But keep digging :rolleyes:

BTW, just so you don't embarrass yourself further

"A PANEL of Scotland’s most senior judges have found a sheriff was wrong to conclude that the word “hun” is a form of religiously aggravated abuse against Protestants.

Appeal judges ruled on Friday that it was wrong for David Di Pinto to be found guilty of a religious prejudice aggravation to his breach of the peace conviction.

A panel of judges have ruled that 'hun' is not sectarian
The 39-year-old had been arrested during the Scottish League Cup final between Celtic and Hibs at Hampden Park in Glasgow in December 2021.

Glasgow Sheriff Court heard how Mr Di Pinto shouted, swore and called two police officers “Hun c**ts”.

His trial at Glasgow Sheriff Court heard that he shouted, swore and flailed his arms during the incident.

Sheriff Anthony McGlennan fined him £500 and gave him a 12 month long football banning order.

Lawyers for Di Pinto, 39, of Renfrew, challenged the religious aggravation element of his conviction at the Court of Criminal Appeal in Edinburgh last month.

Solicitor advocate Ann Ogg argued that the word “hun” did not contain a religious aspect or indicate malice or ill will towards Protestant people.

The court heard that it was an non religious slur used to describe Rangers fans.

She told judges Lord Carloway, Lord Matthews and Lord Boyd that there was also evidence available to show that Rangers fans once called Celtic supporters ‘huns’
. "
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Hun is a derogatory term for Protestants.

Scottish anti-sectarian charity Nil By Mouth describes the word as “sectarian” and “abusive”, adding that it is “used negatively against Protestants”.

You Celtic wannabe provo twats are all the same. 🙄
Hun is a derogatory term for Protestants.

Scottish anti-sectarian charity Nil By Mouth describes the word as “sectarian” and “abusive”, adding that it is “used negatively against Protestants”.

You Celtic wannabe provo twats are all the same. 🙄

Jebus wept. Even when I give you the evidence that hun is NOT a sectarian term you refuse to accept it.

Look you can keep on deluding yourself and embarrassing yourself all you like, it still won't change the facts.
Jebus wept. Even when I give you the evidence that hun is NOT a sectarian term you refuse to accept it.

Look you can keep on deluding yourself and embarrassing yourself all you like, it still won't change the facts.

You gave a judges subjective ruling that is contradicted by Scottish anti sectarian charity Nil By Mouth.

Ffs, the guy using it ended up in court 🙄

Long story short, you wouldn't dare use that term in a pub full of Rangers supporters as you'd get your head kicked in.

All you barstooler Celtic Shinners are the same. Rangers/Celtic and their support in this country is just an extension for your sectarian nonsense.

Its what completely turned me off Scottish football. Celtic fans in this country are just 99% 'fuck the huns' /'up the Ra' gobshites.

You gave a judges subjective ruling that is contradicted by Scottish anti sectarian charity Nil By Mouth.

Ffs, the guy using it ended up in court 🙄

Long story short, you wouldn't dare use that term in a pub full of Rangers supporters as you'd get your head kicked in.

All you barstooler Celtic Shinners are the same. Rangers/Celtic and their support in this country is just an extension for your sectarian nonsense.

Its what completely turned me off Scottish football. Celtic fans in this country are just 99% 'fuck the huns' /'up the Ra' gobshites.


I showed you a ruling not by a judge but by a "PANEL of Scotland’s most senior judges". Now you think that an NGO carries more clout than that in what is meant by the term hun :oops:

Long story short it's a derogatory term for a pub full of The Rangers supporters - similarly if you went into a pub in Highbury and called them Arse supporters you'd get your head kicked in; or in a Southampton pub and called them Scum (as Pompey fans do); or Aberdeen and called them sheep-shaggers you'd get a kicking as well. That's nothing to do with their religion, it's to do with football rivalry, and there's plenty of fans of other clubs like Aberdeen, Livi, and Hearts refer to them as huns too.

Think you should take your faux outrage elsewhere fellah, because you clearly haven't a scooby when it comes to use of the term hun and it's ubiquitous use for fans, players, and officials of T(RFC)
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