Drug dealing scumbag wiped out, what about the priests?

All we need to do now is catch a paedophile priest dealing drugs and dialing premium rate phone lines on the parish church phone with a load of dissident republican semtex in his attic.
its just drug dealing which to be fair i think should be a legal profession anyway, i blame joe duffy for all of this closing the head shops

How ireland deals with Drug crime? Make legal highs illegal.
How Ireland deals with Gun Crime? Make legal guns illegal.
To deal with paedophelia they might increase the age of consent to 36...
I can't wait to see how they deal with rape...
its just drug dealing which to be fair i think should be a legal profession anyway, i blame joe duffy for all of this closing the head shops

I'd have to agree.
You can't stop people taking drugs, the least we could do is remove the criminal part and stop burying our heads in the sand. I've never heard a logical argument against this.
And yes, Joe Duffy is a drooling mongoloid with an army of drooling mongoloid listeners, but because there's so many of them they're actually quite dangerous.
Drug dealers and Publicans are in the same business. Only difference is one is legal and the other isn't .

The king of self pawnage strikes again!! LOL

The Complete Stone Roses
The Oliver Plunkett, Oliver Plunkett St.

1st Aug 2024 @ 8:00 pm
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