Do I have a virus.

I have an old enough laptop which runs uses Windows 2000 Pro. The computer runs perfectly most of the time but can slow down for a few mins for no reason.

I have F-Secure running on it since I've got the computer and also use Spybot and CCleaner sporadically.

Now recently F-secure has failed to download any updates since 25/3/09. When I've tried to manually update it says the channel has reached capacity and won't update.

The capacity is set to 100 MB's and I can't alter this.

What do I do?
ok try using downlaod/install it and do a scan - see what it picks up. Its good for catching stuff that others miss.

Also have you got the latest updates for windows 2000? S time moves on security companies such as fsecure, avg etc stop supporting the older systems making it that much harder to keep them safe. Sometimes they will only work if you have the latest patching service packs installed.

I have this issue on a clients computer at the moment - to update to the latest avg 8.5 I need first to patch the system and also update the service pack....
Memory Processes Infected: 0
Memory Modules Infected: 3
Registry Keys Infected: 36
Registry Values Infected: 2
Registry Data Items Infected: 0
Folders Infected: 19
Files Infected: 282

Scanned by Malwarebytes...never thought i was that badly compromised!!!!
With that amount of infections - I'd be looking to do a serious re-scan using at least 3 methods. Also this should be done in windows 'Safe Mode'

To go into safe mode on windows at start up you press F8 key on your keyboard. generally I just tap it until the list shows up. Select safe mode and then enter. Allow to start. Once your in safe mode re-run all your security software ensuring obviously that you have updated them all first.

As your having problems with fsecure, I'd say to un install and install AVG. If there are any issues such as patches needed it will let you know (Probably you will need them)...

Update spybot/ccleaner as well and run those also in safe mode. I'll be doing a step by step set up tutorial on spybot soon as I get chance as there a few tools in there folk don't know about or use....

btw - thats not to bad - I've seen way way worse than that!
Memory Processes Infected: 0
Memory Modules Infected: 3
Registry Keys Infected: 36
Registry Values Infected: 2
Registry Data Items Infected: 0
Folders Infected: 19
Files Infected: 282

Scanned by Malwarebytes...never thought i was that badly compromised!!!!

This sort of software is generally paranoid, and aggressively tweaked.

It needs you to need to buy it.

I wouldn't be surprised if most of those 'infected files' were actually just tracking cookies from websites, like Google, or a number of other advertising services.
This sort of software is generally paranoid, and aggressively tweaked.

It needs you to need to buy it.

I wouldn't be surprised if most of those 'infected files' were actually just tracking cookies from websites, like Google, or a number of other advertising services.

that can be true of files/certain folders but not when you get registry entries or memory modules infected.....
With that amount of infections - I'd be looking to do a serious re-scan using at least 3 methods. Also this should be done in windows 'Safe Mode'

To go into safe mode on windows at start up you press F8 key on your keyboard. generally I just tap it until the list shows up. Select safe mode and then enter. Allow to start. Once your in safe mode re-run all your security software ensuring obviously that you have updated them all first.

As your having problems with fsecure, I'd say to un install and install AVG. If there are any issues such as patches needed it will let you know (Probably you will need them)...

Update spybot/ccleaner as well and run those also in safe mode. I'll be doing a step by step set up tutorial on spybot soon as I get chance as there a few tools in there folk don't know about or use....

btw - thats not to bad - I've seen way way worse than that!

Thanks for the help so far.

I've downloaded AVG and done a scan in safe mode. It found a few trojans alright but there were a good few files that were locked and couldn't be tested.

F-Secure still won't update also.
Thanks for the help so far.

I've downloaded AVG and done a scan in safe mode. It found a few trojans alright but there were a good few files that were locked and couldn't be tested.

F-Secure still won't update also.

thats probably due to the system needing patched - as I said as the systems get older security firms support them less...

As for locked files - thats pretty much standard with all security scanning engines....
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