deep purple, amazing tale (murder/corruption/etc)

Saw them in the Marquee 2009, was nice to see Gillan, Glover and Paice but tbh, was very disappointed by Airey and Morse, they ruined the overall sound of DP, imo. Blackmore would have made that show, never got to see that guy live, I think he is too busy playing the lute and riding that pretty hot wife of his, Candice.

Will check out that YT latter, Jim, nice wan
the drums and guitar that come in around the 2.50 minute mark on this blow my mind every time

needs more cowbell though :)

Class, one of the first rock albums I had access to as an under 10 year old was Made In Japan. They sure knew how to drag 20 minutes out of a song back then. The Mule, another epic drum solo but Space Trucking is the tune for me, Ashy Slashy breathed new life into it 40 years latter, legend.

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