De Irish Times 'all men are bastards' thread

Turns out that the AC drainage hose empties water right on to the, wait for it, BATTERY PACK!

Not to mention the rear bumpers on Model 3's falling off in the rain.

It would appear that Tesla is a shite car company, making shite cars which even make the Korean Shitboxes from High And Dry and Kill Ya look reasonable. And now that the rest of the car industry has begun making electric cars, it's unique selling point is gone.

Don't forget the boring company. Digging tunnels two tesla cars wide and proclaiming it as some kind of miraculous innovation
Tesla would appear to be a good tech company but a shite car company. I’ll give them five years.
They’re the Impossible Meat company on wheels.
Musk reminds me of Rees Mogg in that he's a stupid person's idea of what a smart person is like.

His comments about Ukraine were beyond idiotic, the number of Teslas he's going to sell in Eastern Europe is surely going to drop after this.
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