
People crossing the road in dark clothes don't seem to realise that unless they're more or less directly in front of the car, the driver can't actually see them.
Nearly killed a teenager a few times. Dark green uniform, walking down to her bus, I assume. Wrong side of the road, no street lights or footpath. In the end I had to drive very slowly and pray I wouldn't meet a car coming the opposite way. I would have thought a parent or school would have thought the basics of road safety. I go a different way now.
And motorcyclists are renowned paradigms of virtue. Bunch of angels, so they are.

I start work early (off today :)) and the amount of people wearing dark clothes cycling and walking is scary. At 7 in the morning, people won't feckin see you, even in town where street lights working is fairly hit and miss. Walking across 3 and 4 lines if traffic or on the side of a narrow road although there is a path on the opposite side is insane. Red lights do actually mean stop.

Cyclists without lights in the dark are looking to die
Not to mention no helmet.

I don't wear a helmet. Research has shownthat drivers give significantly more space on the road to cyclists without a helmet.

Bit conflicted about it though. But considering how close some drivers pass me, I'm not sure it's worth the rish!
I don't wear a helmet. Research has shownthat drivers give significantly more space on the road to cyclists without a helmet.

Bit conflicted about it though. But considering how close some drivers pass me, I'm not sure it's worth the rish!

It's still possible to fall off your bike though.
Without being hit by a car.
A few times? did she keep jumping in and out and you continually nearly knocking her down or something?

Pesky teenagers ;)

Narrow road, she use to be walking there nearly every morning. Obviously I meant it was fairly dangerous, rather than me having loads of near misses.
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