
Again, keep into the side, I did it myself for years and I was never harmed

Cyclists drive out from the side for a reason, and it's not to piss off motorists.
As you know it's called defensive cycling as it's much safer.

Keep well into the side of the road and try to get over his fear of rabbits jumping out suddenly from the ditch.
🤣🤣You really haven’t a glimmer. Cyclist has an accident because of some sort of failure with his bike and the lesson he “learnt” is that he should cycle on top of the ditch.
Actually after viewing his accident, his years of posting videos of close passes and not getting space from motorists has been totally vindicated.
🤣🤣You really haven’t a glimmer. Cyclist has an accident because of some sort of failure with his bike and the lesson he “learnt” is that he should cycle on top of the ditch.
Actually after viewing his accident, his years of posting videos of close passes and not getting space from motorists has been totally vindicated.
Joined up thinking is what is required here, something you seem to lack.

It has already being mentioned that he is lucky that there was no other vehicle there.

You made reference to his issue with others close passing him, yet there is no issue when he close passes vehicles. If he close passed a vehicle and that issue occurred then, chances are he would end up under that vehicle.
But as I said, that joined up thinking is necessary.

You might point out please where I used the words " he should cycle on top of the ditch ".
Cyclists drive out from the side for a reason, and it's not to piss off motorists.
As you know it's called defensive cycling as it's much safer.

Yes as one approaches a junction and the cyclist should indicate same by that arm gesture.

You might be better off posting up sketches that demonstrate driving on the other side of the road, like we do here.
Right, and what traffic was he near when he crashed?

Do you think it makes his bicycle safer or less safe on the road the fact that he crashed when there was no traffic near him?

We've seen numerous clips of how close to both pedestrians and vehicles that galoot cycles at speed - it's a mercy that nobody else was injured in that incident.

Hopefully he will learn a lesson from this and cycle more carefully in the future - but from his entitlement and road-rage posts I very much doubt he will
🤣🤣You really haven’t a glimmer. Cyclist has an accident because of some sort of failure with his bike and the lesson he “learnt” is that he should cycle on top of the ditch.
Actually after viewing his accident, his years of posting videos of close passes and not getting space from motorists has been totally vindicated.

Guy suggests cycling "well into the side of the road", whereupon usual suspect accuses him of not having a glimmer, and pretends that he demanded cyclist "should cycle on top of the ditch".

Guy posts up a stupid post on a public forum and gets called on it. His "defence" for his stupidity is to wail that it's nothing to do with the one who called him on it 🤣 🤣 🤣

I'm not a chicken but boy you're some 🤡
You are a chicken. Your relevance to this forum is up there with Daft_y, although I'd say he wouldn't run away from a bet like you have, f8ckin coward, no wonder you canvass for SF 🐔
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