
Moreover, cameras are going to be mounted on traffic lights throughout the country so as to fine the driver of any car that breaks a red light (no mention of cyclists doing the same).
Cameras to be placed on national roads throughout the country to check that speed limits are not being breached on an 'average speed' basis.
In short, a move towards total surveillance of motorists' every move.
Moreover, cameras are going to be mounted on traffic lights throughout the country so as to fine the driver of any car that breaks a red light (no mention of cyclists doing the same).
Cameras to be placed on national roads throughout the country to check that speed limits are not being breached on an 'average speed' basis.
In short, a move towards total surveillance of motorists' every move.
Nah, Ireland is bizarrely low in European terms:


It's an old graph but Ireland didn't even fit on the graph, to quote:
'The lowest (not shown here) was Ireland with a mere 0.2."

I can guarantee that GB figure is higher, I seriously doubt the Ireland figure is materially higher in that time
Gilbert O'Sullivan
Cork Opera House, Emmet Place, Cork

11th Sep 2024 @ 8:00 pm
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Chris McGrath

Arty's Bar, Today @ 9pm

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