
It's as clear as mud online, looks like the legislation has passed but the regulations have wildly missed their proposed introduction date.
Regulations not in place yet. No further clarity needed - they're illegal. As an aside, rental escooters are legal but I'm not aware of any such schemes in Cork (although poster above thinks there may be).
They're still illegal! Every single person you see on an escooter in public (and non pedal assist ebikes) is breaking the law as it currently stands (unless they have the requisite tax and insurance, which I suspect is unlikely to say the least).

No, they are now fully legal as of late last year.

— E-scooters will not be legal on public road until the process if finished.

Delayed regulations to make low-power electric scooters legal on Irish roads and to firm up the legal position around bikes are now expected to be in place in Q2 2024, the Department of Transport has said.

Based on a very recent written parliamentary reply from the Department of Transport, reported last weekend that EU-level intervention delayed the regulations. The Department told this website yesterday that it has now addressed the technical issues raised by the European Commission.

In relation to electric bikes, the regulations are planned to firm up what is and isn’t an electric bicycle. Higher-powered bikes where the motors continue to help after 25km/h or where a bike can move without help from the rider are already considered legally to be mopeds — the changes will firm this up and allow these bikes to be registered, taxed and insured for the first time.

A spokesperson for the Department of Transport said: “In advance of being signed into law, the draft technical regulations were submitted to the EU Commission for assessment under Directive (EU) 2015/1535 (the Single Market Transparency Directive). This is known as the Technical Regulation Information Service process.

The Technical Regulation Information Service (TRIS) is part of a process designed to prevent trade barriers in the internal market. The Department said that the draft e-scooter regulations were submitted to TRIS in July 2023 and the process concluded in October. What are described as technical changes to the law passed last year were deemed as needed following comments from the Commission made during the TRIS process.

The Department said: “Following legal advice, the draft regulations are currently being amended to remove references to voluntary standards with a view to ensuring that certain technical requirements were clearly outlined to the user in the body of the regulations. This is a minor change to the drafting language which does not alter the requirements for e-scooters and fully satisfies the comments made by the Commission.”

A spokesperson said that the Office of Parliamentary Counsel has recommended the technical change to the wording of part 16 of the Road Traffic and Roads Act 2023, which passed Oireachtas approval last year. The changes recommended relate to “how parameters for powered personal transporters are described”.

The technical changes are now planned as part of the Road Traffic Bill 2023. The Road Traffic Bill 2023 is currently at the committee stage at the Oireachtas, the new law mainly deals with speed limits, penalty point reform, and mandatory drug testing at the scene of serious collisions.

The Department said: “When this process has concluded, the relevant parts of the Act will be commenced. The e-scooter regulations are now expected to be in place in Q2 2024 and e-scooters will not be legal for public use until then.”

The spokesperson added: “As provisions for e-bikes and e-mopeds are also provided in section 16 of the Act, it is not intended to commence these provisions until these changes have been made. This process is anticipated to be concluded in Q2 2024.”
One thing that always puzzles me re weirdo cyclists (like the Yellow Pack RTBI Green councillor above) is that they constantly push for new cycle infrastructure - yet when much/all of it is built they then decide it's "dangerous" and refuse to use it. Now, if we take them at face value that the cycle infrastructure is indeed dangerous (and it's not that they use the adjacent roads just to piss off motorists) then why do they push to get it built in the first place - why not instead campaign for 'better' standards of cycle infrastructure instead of pushing for the same old same old if that isn't good enough?

e.g. Jank a few other oddballs constantly shout about how great the "Bus" Connects cycle lane plan is - are we to take it that they are happy with the quality of this infrastructure - and that they won't be here in a couple of years defending RTBI et all not using the new lanes because they're "dangerous"?
You just contradicted yourself Padraig.

Cycling infrastructure both in Dublin and Cork is generally terrible and unsafe.
BusConnects is the main plan to address this, but not one single meter of the BusConnects STC has been built in either city.

So one cannot say on one hand that 'much/all of cycling infrastructure is built', yet pour cold water on BusConnects STCs when not an iota of it has been provisioned.

As to your point about standards?
Cycling groups have constantly and consistently asked for local authorities to improve their design of said cycling infrastructure. They always engage but usually, the easier and cheaper option is taken, and then people are surprised when it's deemed unsafe.

Some people think a bit of paint on a road is akin to a cycling lane. Sure, some idiots think a 5-year-old boy should share a road with double-decker buses and taxis. That is the level of thinking cyclists have to rail against.
Understand there's a few different companies doing escooter rentals in Cork.
Usually they have a "learner mode", e.g. Voi in the UK have a limit of 8mph/13kmph that they set as default for new riders, you can then up the max speed to 15mph/20kmph once you're a bit more confident.

The public ones are a bit different to those you buy yourself, they tend to weigh an absolute ton, regularly over 50kg and as a result handle a bit differently.
You can get a perfectly good escooter with 30km of range that weighs 15 kg. Not light but a fraction of the public ones and portable enough.

(y) Nice one. Thanks for the info. It's something I'm toying with to not replace one of our cars and to just go either electric-bike, or I'm edging towards the more compactable e-scooter.
(y) Nice one. Thanks for the info. It's something I'm toying with to not replace one of our cars and to just go either electric-bike, or I'm edging towards the more compactable e-scooter.
There seems to be an issue with some of them going up in flames while being charged, this might be a rare occurrence but regardless I wouldn't leave one charging overnight.

(y) Nice one. Thanks for the info. It's something I'm toying with to not replace one of our cars and to just go either electric-bike, or I'm edging towards the more compactable e-scooter.

What what WHAT!!?

This is a YES/YES but No Shinner style turnaround.

I guess we can expect regular updates about your run-ins with idiot motorists from now on.

Very disappointing tbh.
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